General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 42)

by MM45MM
creating a generator assistance-PLEASE
I need some assistance, creating a generator that would create binary com files. I have the simple code to run the first one Here is what I have that will r...
[no replies]
Compiler stops working? :S
I have this code, and basically what I have to do is take the info from two archives to some arrays (both are types from certain classes). My problem is with th...
[8 replies] Last: Added variable cont2 for the second array. Still, I don't think that's... (by StarCharm)
by seiji9
one dimensional array
Is it possible to prompt information from user then display the result in a one dimensional array form? If yes can anyone tell me how should i link them togethe...
[7 replies] Last: @MiiNiiPaa "cin >> gross ; err... shouldn't it be cin >> gross ;" wait... (by seiji9)
by hvigil
How to start counting time ?
Hey , I want to know if there is a function or library that starts counting time when the program starts. Because I'm making a program that is dependent on tim...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> // C++11 int main() { usin... (by JLBorges)
Calling functions of class and outside with same name!
Hey friends... Long time didnt use forum... But now i got a fairly interesting thing to get solved. Just a few moments ago i was just doing foolish things in c...
[7 replies] Last: I realize your example may be for demonstration purposes only, but ple... (by xismn)
Connecting rooms in grid map
I have a map that is full of 4+ rooms each with one randomly selected door on one of its sides. I need to create a tunnel connecting all of the doors together....
[8 replies] Last: Thanks so much for your help Disch. This is about what most my maps lo... (by orourkeh)
C++ counting arrays output help?
Hi, I was wonding if anyone could please help me with my programming. I got most of my programming down. I just need help with my output. Currently I have: Ent...
[1 reply] : This code is already invalid i= 0; while(i < n-1){ Let assume that n... (by vlad from moscow)
C++ arrays in function
Write a function named "sum" that takes as its arguments the following: (1) an array of floating point values. (2) an integer that tells how many floating poin...
[2 replies] Last: It is not a question on programming. It is a question on arithmetic. D... (by vlad from moscow)
Memory alignment
I need to understand memory alignment thingy, to be able to use SSE instructions which needs data to be 16 bytes aligned. Say i have: struct Vec3 { ...
[9 replies] Last: [quote=morando]" I think its better for me to use alignment on AABB on... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How do I add elements to an array?
I've a file that looks like this: 84484-37.96-Castor, Kathy 39050-69.68-Chandler, Ben 26183-70.84-Costello, Jerry I have successfully read each element ...
[4 replies] Last: @Smac89 your code is incorrect. -extend_arr's return type should be a ... (by LB)
How to have the console recognize every word?
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int x; string favword; int main() { cout << "Enter your favorite num...
[1 reply] : Chervil already answered this question in your other post here: http:... (by Disch)
by dima93
What are the basics of pointers (*) and (&)addresses ?
I cant understand the concept of the ( & ) and ( * ) symbols in C++, what is the difference between these three statements: int n1 = n; int & n2 ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=DANNY123]I think int & n2 = n; means that n is represented by ... (by LB)
Adding UI
Any tutorials on adding a UI to a console application? Any and all useful help is welcomed. All I really need is a button that will run one function every time ...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
Representing a rectangle with only 3 variables instead of 4.
I figured out how to use 3 variables to represent a rectangle in a grid instead of using 4. The traditional way is to use (x,y) (x2,y2). I propose using (x,...
[2 replies] Last: Daleth is right. Your plan won't work. (by Disch)
by rcast
Math question (calculating dimensional weight with code)
I am developing a shipping calculator and am unsure of how to calculate the given billable weight of a total shipment (multiple items). The guidelines for deter...
[10 replies] Last: Sounds like if a large package is under 90lbs it will be billed as a 9... (by naraku9333)
by hvigil
How do you calculate time ?
Hello , I want to calculate time . Lets say when the program starts, time starts counting. And every three seconds an event happens like display "hello" etc. I...
[no replies]
irc bot not working (1,2)
Hi everybody! I'm learning network programming and I've decided to program a simple c++ irc bot. I'm able to connect to server and send commands. But when I t...
[22 replies] Last: I don't know, what I've done, but it works :D thanks for help (by sveatlo)
Question about language translator program
I created a conlang before (constructed language), and now I am learning C++, so I decided to program a translator. I was going to go about it with strings, and...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, I just figured it out, I'm doing this: std::string eegus (" i"); ... (by DarthBrogan)
Something like automaticaly updated varlible
I though this was suppose to result as a function which I would call like t(), but I get this error: 't' dose not name a type. So how do I assign a type to it? ...
[8 replies] Last: How do I enable that switch? I don't have C::B installed here so I ... (by Disch)
by hvigil
How to make a linked list.
How can you make a linked list without having to write node *head = NULL; head = new node ( "zildjian" ); head->next = new node ("sabian"); ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by hvigil)
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