General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 38)

Function is not printing
Task: - Write a function `index` that converts an int from 0 to 5 into its word. (It should take an int and return a string.) 0 -> "zero" 1 -> "one" 2 -> ...
[4 replies] Last: @vlad from moscow Thank you! Careless mistake on my part. (by incognitocpp)
"Large int anomalies in an exported 2d array" not sure where they came from (genetic programming)
My problem is my edit distance values are stored in a 2d array of ints and exported to a .csv and the ones at the end are rather LARGE. The the edit distance ...
[2 replies] Last: Okay i fixed the indentation and looked into the out of bounds yes you... (by nukem266)
Help: program giving me unlimited loop
I just completed my program then I decided to debug it. When the program begin, it keeps outputting the message infinitely. I don't understand what's the proble...
[3 replies] Last: I'll do another program with scratch and delete this programme. (by Angry Food)
Confused with recursive functions
Task: - Problem: Take two non-negative integers and return their product (the result of multiplying the two together). - The function header should be `in...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, you did. That helped me very much. Thank you! (by incognitocpp)
by Maissa
a bit help
so i have this code that wouldn't run #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class student{ public : char name ,sex; }; class kid:public student{...
[10 replies] Last: The main function is supposed to return an int, indicating any error s... (by MikeyBoy)
by MM45MM
Assistance-Searching file directories
Any one have any sample code or recommendations on how to code a "detector" in c++ to look at files generated from a sample program. The idea is to understand ...
[no replies]
Could I get some help?
Task: - Problem: Take two non-negative integers and return their product (the result of multiplying the two together). - The function header should be `int ti...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the help i fixed the problem! (by incognitocpp)
Get user input displaying default value
Hi, I would like to get user input of some parameters value (mostly of type "double", but few of type "int") but displaying the default value at the place of i...
[6 replies] Last: nah it's not. well i dont think so. I another languages like c# you ha... (by mutexe)
by coder1
codejam 2013
Hi, i want to participate in google codejam 2013. but i dont know how to submit solutions to it. can anyone please explain to me how should i do that? i read ...
[6 replies] Last: where should i write this? (by coder1)
connecting to database
hey , can any one tell me how to connect my c++ code to any database using drivers. Thanks in advance
[2 replies] Last: yes if MS mysql is the database and odbc is the driver being used.whic... (by ramsavi)
by wk0109
search for a string in a text file in c++
Anyone can teach how to search a data in a text file? string line; string id; fstream file;"administrator.txt"); cin.ignore(); cout<<"...
[no replies]
by Nobun
An item search based on 2 values for "index". How to do efficient?
I have to be more code specific (I usually try to abstract my code). As you can see I use a lot Qt classes... however they work very similar to standard librari...
[8 replies] Last: Well thank a lot for your patience and for writing me so many things a... (by Nobun)
[homework] function problem...
/* Program: Project 2 This program is to change one set of records from one format to another. */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fst...
[1 reply] : KrebStarRecord convertHydraToKrebStar(HydraRecord hClient, KrebStarRe... (by fg109)
by Jace
Function errors
WIN32_FIND_DATA file; HANDLE search_handle=FindFirstFile("C:\\*",&file); if (search_handle) { do { if(file.cFileN...
[5 replies] Last: the a came from your first post line 7. And anyway, you can't conv... (by coder777)
write a compile and run a c++ program to reverse the digits of a positive integer number .use a do-while statement and continuously strip off and display the nu...
[1 reply] : Not quite what's asked for, but you should be able to pull it out of h... (by cire)
Some help on my dating program.
I get 2 errors when I try to compile my program, the errors happen in my implementation file: error C4716: 'DatingInfo::setMaleSex' : must return a value. And e...
[5 replies] Last: I did. I haven't really gotten/started far in my main file yet, all I ... (by BinaryGeek)
[homework] Converting one format to another
I am in a c++ class and my group is having a hard time making this work... It keeps saying that '' isn't working. We can't seem to figure out why. A...
[3 replies] Last: Yea I fixed that one thank you so much for your reply.. I have anothe... (by mhaggard)
What does this mean? Can I get some help please? (1,2,3)
This is what my Book Says: //start Alternative Function Syntax The C++ 11 introduces an alternative syntax for writing the function header. Here’s an exam...
[44 replies] Last: ok i will sorry xD (by Anmol444)
by naqvir
C++ exercises
Hello all, i have been learning c++ through a form of e-learning for about 3 weeks now, i have gone though various topics such as the basic fundamental syntax o...
[no replies]
by Alex91
Unsure how to use cctype
I am trying to get my program to check if a code is valid or not. If the code is invalid, it will be output into a file. The code is valid if in the format: l...
[9 replies] Last: Is there any way I could use this, but have it evaluate the codes for ... (by Alex91)
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