General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 37)

Need help writing a program
So the purpose of this program is to use functions, nested decisions, and sentinel loops to calculate the surface area, volume, or "Girth + Depth" of a box. I s...
[12 replies] Last: So far I have this. The functions are all working. Now I need to creat... (by ATzekovsky)
General question about multiple games running from one source?
So I am going to try and keep this as general as possible so as not to infringe on any plagerism rules. I have an assignment to make 3 board games run from o...
[5 replies] Last: You can define classes in C++ the same way as in Java. I have no idea ... (by LB)
Urgent: Help with a my assigment
Hello, I need a help with my lab assignment, I should submit it today, please if anyone can help me in this. ====== Write a C++ program that prompts th...
[13 replies] Last: Be careful of integer division when you say sum / count towards the ... (by booradley60)
by fefer
Need equation for assignment
I need an equation that determines the lowest possible cost for laying power line. The variables are as follows: 1. The width of a river 2. The distanc...
[4 replies] Last: I would imagine that the shortest length across the river is a path th... (by pogrady)
C-Programming Structures
Hi Guys, here is a question for you: It is possible to define a structure like struct test { int a; int b; }; and create an instance of it: st...
[3 replies] Last: Tested this on GCC 4.8.0. Works fine with a warning: designated_init... (by Catfish3)
Why are my if and else both executing?
I have a function with an if and else statement inside a for loop but both the if and else are both executing. What am I doing working? Thank You. int...
[10 replies] Last: It was simple. I set the function to a Boolean. (by JazzyJeff123)
Unreliable sizes for fundamental types?
I've been refreshing my knowledge of C++, and there's something that concerns me: The size of fundamental types is not guaranteed. Apparently, all the standa...
[6 replies] Last: MSDN documents Microsoft dialect of C++, it's quite possible that it's... (by Cubbi)
Code auto retyper
Hii, I was just wondering if there is a program that can retype the code in a neat way and in a different way, or even make it easier to change the name of the ...
[1 reply] : CHeck this out: In Visual Studio, you... (by Stewbond)
which data structure for speed?
I have to iterate through a txt file with 370,000+ words, which data structure would you guys recommend? I started using a map<string,string> but it takes about...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=bob39rocks]ok i have to read a text file(dictionary) for a text... (by S G H)
by LB
Force stream << >> to interpret as binary
I'm writing custom stream classes for a project of mine, and I want to change the formatted extraction operators to interpret everything as binary rather than h...
[17 replies] Last: I'm not up for abusing anything. I just find it hard to believe that t... (by LB)
Can someone help me with this program
The user is prompted to enter 2 integers a and b such that a < b. Using these as starting and final values you are to set up a for loop that does the fo...
[5 replies] Last: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,f... (by NYC1988)
Need some help Heritance
main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "Personnage.h" #include "Pretre.h" #include "PretreDemo.h" using namespace std; int main() { string sName; cout <<...
[1 reply] : you are trying to access p1 in area where it is not visible (and actua... (by MiiNiPaa)
Explain functions
Can anyone explain functions to me? I need to write a 3 function program that calculates distance and slope, I am also using a bool function so that I can tell ...
[14 replies] Last: :P (by Major Tom)
can a friend function work for two classes?
Since a friend function is not a member of a class, can it be used for two classes for performing the same job? I guess no because we've to pass an object of th...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks everyone! (by Rehan FASTian)
[1 reply] : Use code tags: (by eklavya sharma 2)
creating a recursive function that will print out a number to a power
im trying to create a recursive function that i can call on in order to take a user inputed base and exponent and give final answer this is what i have but im c...
[3 replies] Last: Code Tags: (by eklavya sharma 2)
I studied C++ syntax and OOP and could not learn about Polymorphism. Can anyone explain me in which area that i will need polymorphism
[7 replies] Last: MikeyBoy you are the boy! Thanks mate.You gave the perfect answer i wa... (by simplelenz)
What's wrong with my program?? Help appreciated
Re-posting for beginner forum, I haven't got any working suggestions there. They said I should implement a copy constructor but that didn't seem to help. What ...
[2 replies] Last: Of course, but I have tried to find what is wrong for a day now and I ... (by Tiger58)
Help with function
Task: Write a function: - exp(x,y): - where x is positive (possibly a decimal) and y is a positive integer. - Returns x to the y. - The definition of...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you! I traced the code and it works! Thank you for all your h... (by incognitocpp)
by flony1
class racional
Hello friends, I have this problem and if anyone got sick enough I can help out would be great, I program in visual c + + 2012 "Programming in C + + Deitel" P...
[3 replies] Last: I found the solution // Racional.h #ifndef RACIONAL_H #define RACIONA... (by flony1)
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