General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 33)

2 Questions please help
My first question is that I am confused as to why in this program on line 18 bad_alloc has a & next to it. Even if I take that out it runs perfectly fine? If it...
[10 replies] Last: Ok thank you :D (by Anmol444)
by hannah
Fractal Zooming
Hello I'm trying to zoom into a fractal and to do this I'm using mouse click to calculate where the centre should be and then taking away 1 from the right and ...
[3 replies] Last: If you want to use multiplication, you have to define a zoom factor. I... (by toum)
Exercise for a Library
Hello all! I am new here and almost newbie with C++. I have an exercise for my Library and I would like to ask you for your help. This is the code I have alread...
[7 replies] Last: Any suggestion? Thanks! (by azioupos)
by Smac89
Getting runtime error
Hey guys, I wrote this program which compiles and runs properly on my computer. However when others run/compile it, they get a runtime error. Since I get no err...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks cire , now I just have to eliminate the new bugs and hopeful... (by Smac89)
HELP this array is kicking my butt
it compiles and runs, it gives me the average and the highest score but says lowest is 0 even though 0 is never entered. //Write a program which uses an ar...
[2 replies] Last: thankyou a second set of eyes is always a help (by latewrong)
problem with function overloading
I don't know why the compiler always says the 8 `double poly<double>::x' is private and 36 for `T poly<T>::power(int, T)' does not match any in class `poly<...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> class ... (by DANNY123)
Quick Question about int division
Hey guys I'm just wondering would this: int value = 1; value = value/2; cout << value; output 1 or 0? Thanks for your time.
[8 replies] Last: Woah Live work space is awesome. thanks! And I just did like vlad fr... (by infinity42)
I don't know if can actually do this in c++ but how take information save from data file or text file and try to set up user and password accout for user hear ...
[no replies]
[1 reply] : And? What's the problem you're having with the code you've written? (by MikeyBoy)
Question about menu system
im making a menu system to change the color of pixels in a gravity engine i made. the engine works fine, and the menu colors the particles, but will only ever t...
[1 reply] : MAYBE the problem is that your colorsOfPixels array is only 7 fields ... (by plexus)
by rgork
Problem with header file inclusions
I have a class Myclass (for the sake of the example). I have a header file 'space.h', which is following: #include "Myclass.h" struct Files {Myclass* new...
[4 replies] Last: Ahh, that helps a lot. (by rgork)
Hello all, I had to write a program which I have completely finished and works fine but none of the values show up, I have tried debugging, google, no error s...
[4 replies] Last: I'm pretty sure nobody really likes to help if you post 500 lines of c... (by plexus)
HashTable remove function
I am very new to C++ and I am working on creating a program using HashTables. This is for homework. This is the first time I am using and creating HashTables, s...
[5 replies] Last: updated remove function. now does not crash. It also does not work c... (by cire)
by Dk786
working with bitsets some advice please
hi ok so i have this scenario: i have a bitset; e.g. bitset<16> mybitset (string("10000000000000000")) where all 16 spaces have been utilized; for now ...
[7 replies] Last: @JLBorges thanks for your solution, after i modified it a little it wo... (by Dk786)
Using one (dedicated) vector per thread (OpenMP)
Hello everyone I recently picked up multithreading with OpenMP, so it is still new to me. While processing data, I would like to store it in a vector, as sho...
[1 reply] : Maybe that's what ... (by Bourgond Aries)
inheriting template function.
Sorry if my English or my coding conventions are bad. std::list is the STL list. I am trying to make a library that will use std::list<>::iterator and std::li...
[no replies]
by codder
C++ Error handler
Hello, I want to know what are the best ways to deal with errors. Basically I want to stop running the application. For example: void foo() { int a...
[2 replies] Last: throw an exception. If it will be left unhandled it will stop your pro... (by MiiNiPaa)
by olms
output problems
Current output: Unsorted Data: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ...
[7 replies] Last: for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { cout << setw(7) << A ; if ( i % 12... (by vlad from moscow)
by Jace
Issues in function
#include <iostream> #include <cwchar> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; #include <stdlib.h>; char response; string fname; ...
[3 replies] Last: Your while condition should be immediately after the do block, not... (by MikeyBoy)
by Aybol
Total number of "lucky" tickets in given range.
Hello everyone! I would be very greatfull if someone could help me. I was given C++ task. Could anyone give me some ideas of writing the code. The problem goes ...
[1 reply] : unsigned long first, last; std::cin >> first >> last; unsigned int lu... (by MiiNiPaa)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 53
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