General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 32)

Macro: pass the content of a variable (example: int) as argument to a macro call
Hi, I am trying to generate a couple of vectors, but the exact number of vectors that will be needed can only be determined at runtime. Therefore I had the i...
[1 reply] : Macros are expanded before compilation so they know nothing about what... (by Peter87)
Count no of 0's in the binary number.
Hello, this is my first post :). Anyway, i am writing a program that accepts a decimal number from the user and convert it to binary numbers. After the convers...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply guys. (by solidsnake)
How do you some a row and column of 2D arrays?
For example If I have the following how would I sum each row and column ?? For example 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 3 8 9
[6 replies] Last: I was not rude, I said please, (by maeriden)
by tmlee2
Extract Certain Cells from an Excel File Using C++
Hey everyone, I was hoping you can help me figure out how to extract certain cells for an excel file that is continuously updating. I had a look at http://w...
[7 replies] Last: Please read this MSDN links: ht... (by jackdark)
Calling a D3DXVECTOR3
i currently have this code for using the D3DXVECTOR3 to do some math, D3DXVECTOR3 TargetVector(D3DXVECTOR3 *target, D3DXVECTOR3 *firer) { D3DXVECTOR3 *Out...
[4 replies] Last: Ah Thanks :) (by Histerial)
Generator synchronisation
Hello! We are having a schoolproject were we are going to implement the functionality of some Components of a Hydro Power station directly in the PLC. The P...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure this has something to do directly with a PLC, but I'm sur... (by S G H)
What does this mean? Please help!
In my Book it says: It talks about the expr function in the code. "You could also analyze an arithmetic expression using a recursive function. If you think a...
[4 replies] Last: As for the original question the author of the book said that function... (by vlad from moscow)
What does this mean? Help please!
In my book it says: float max(float, const int&); This forces the creation of this version of the function template. It does not have much value in the ...
[4 replies] Last: Explicit template instantiations can be used in large code bases to sp... (by JLBorges)
No need of cmath?
In the following code without cmath it still compiles with the pow function? Can anyone please explain? At line 128? // Soln6_04.cpp // A program to ...
[15 replies] Last: > In the following code without cmath it still compiles with the pow f... (by JLBorges)
by BillH
pngwriter using in vc++
Does anyone know how to setup pngwriter for use with vc++ in vs 2008? The instructions on the net seem out of date and do not work. Any help would be apprec...
[no replies]
average and medians of arrays
I need to calculate the average and median of an array. I do not know how to put it in code. any help?
[1 reply] : (by Zaita)
any help would be greatly appreciated
so first the software I am using is Microsoft visual studios....but here is the program I need to write --> Write a program that merges the numbers in two files...
[5 replies] Last: john here is video that might help you out (by latewrong)
by jehudi
Time traking
Hi everyone! I have a program that requires me to track the time between the last object created to know when to create another one. The program is about a...
[1 reply] : time_start_ = time(NULL); double elapsed_time = static_cast<do... (by Zaita)
how to make decision using function
[5 replies] Last: [quote=MiiNiPaa]What the point of function which always return true? ... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Pointers and Arrays - Basic question
Hi I'm stuck wondering how an array assignment is legal. num equals *( num + i) equals *(i + num ) equals i It's the last assignment I'm unsure about, h...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, thank you for your help. I needed it ;) (by NorFredrik)
create a program that determines the language of a given input file based on the words in that file.
[no replies]
What is cerr?
In the following Code: // EX6_10.cpp // A program to implement a calculator #include <iostream> // For stream input/output #include <cstdli...
[5 replies] Last: Alright thankyou (by Anmol444)
Suppose a class polygon has been defined as follows: 1. Data member defined to be available to descendants • The length coordinate of the polygon. • The...
[8 replies] Last: Finally, i have to -Write main code in order to test my work with: ... (by programmerA)
by szandi
what is with and without pointer? (1,2)
Dear all! i need your helping, actually i don't understand my code output is the same with or without pointer class here my code: using namespace std; c...
[25 replies] Last: Fo sho. (by Major Tom)
Ivor Horton's Beginning C++ 2012
Is this a good book to read? I have been reading it and I have found so many confusions but obviously through a bit of research on the internet I figure everyt...
[no replies]
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 53
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