General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 27)

c++ with excel .Please help
Hello.I do not speak english very well. So, I'm sorry..I want to write the program with c++.The program will excel file, the value corresponding to the value yo...
[1 reply] : you want to read excel file ? (by writetonsharma)
dynamic creation of arrays of pointers to arrays of pointers
I'm trying to write a function that takes a 32bit address and a data to store at this address. I'm watning to take the 32 bit memory address eg 0x12345678 ...
[3 replies] Last: What I'm trying to do is create a Instruction set simulator for a subs... (by Crakrjack)
c++ ile excel okuma yardım!!!
Merhaba arkadaşlar .Ben c++ üzerinden bi program yazmak istiyorum.Yazdığım program excel dosyasında istediğim değere karşılık gelen değeri ekrana ba...
[no replies]
by coder1
training websites
Hi, here are some coding websites with problems for training: if anyone has more webs...
[3 replies] Last: @vlad: how do you train? (by coder1)
by selrak
look-up a mounting point of an USB device
Hi all, I'm developing a short c++ program to scan all devices connected to the system through the USB connections. I have used libusb to scan them and ...
[1 reply] : This topic should be placed in UNUX/Linux programming... ...I am not ... (by Nobun)
reading bytes without bit loss
Hi, I need to read repeatedly data from a MPEG2 file to the buffer of 188 bytes and analyse data bit by bit. I have the problem with correct bytes reading f...
[1 reply] : 0's and spaces are typically dropped when they are the leading char. ... (by SamuelAdams)
I'm having trouble understanding recursive functions?
Hello all, Can someone please explain to me how calling m3(3, 4) causes 81 to be the output of the following recursive function? int m3 (int a, int b)...
[3 replies] Last: Why are you duplicating your post in two section of the forum? Do not ... (by vlad from moscow)
Can someone please explain this to me!
This Paragraph: "The notion of class was invented by an Englishman to keep the general population happy. It derives from the theory that people who know their ...
[16 replies] Last: I would argue that class is private by default because struct is p... (by Mathhead200)
Modulo 6
Hello everybody, I have to find the sum of primes below limit . My program works fine when I try to find primes less than 10. However, when I run it for the s...
[4 replies] Last: Assuming the converse! While it is true that [quote=Neil010]... any pr... (by Mathhead200)
C++ program help (not entirely running)
Hi all, i have problem running this code that i built based on this C++ question and I am having trouble running. Please helppp The question is as follows ...
[6 replies] Last: yes, as above said. they convert a upper case to lower case letter. ... (by writetonsharma)
by Daleth
private versus protected
When I first started out in C++, I read a book written over five years ago whose author recommended making a habit out of using "protected" instead of "private....
[2 replies] Last: > But I rarely see protected being used. Why is that? One, the protec... (by JLBorges)
Verifying input , queues, recursion.
Long day, I can't seem to figure this out. Why is this code not marking that the queue is full.. I'm just including my Add function that verifies if they want ...
[8 replies] Last: //This program prints out the reverse order of a queue #include <iost... (by Smac89)
Need help writing pseudocode and flowchart for the following code.
Hi all, I have finished writing the code for the following program. I have concerns with the pseudocode that I have written and the flow chart seems really comp...
[2 replies] Last: And don't do duplicate threads - they won't necessarily get your mor... (by TheIdeasMan)
Error 'st9bad_alloc'
I am writing a Merge Sort Code. But whenever I run the code for a large numbers it gives this error terminate called after throwing an instance of 'st9bad_al...
[5 replies] Last: Then, if you must use new, also use delete. You might also consider c... (by cire)
ADT storage
Hey guys. I have something interesting for you: If I have a 3D array of type CLASS, and a 2D array of type CHAR, how can I store the 2D array in the 3D array...
[3 replies] Last: Then your 2D Array should hold a pointer to an object. The object shou... (by Zaita)
c++ H.W
King Abdullah II School for Information Technology Computer Science Department Computer Skills II (C++) – Homework#1 Instructor: Dr. Jamal Alsakran Due ...
[3 replies] Last: King - is the synonym of a criminal against Humanity. Never heard... (by pogrady)
Assistance needed with code
This is a school project and i need help on fixing this. I think the problem is with BankRegOut but i do not know why or how to fix it, could i get some insight...
[3 replies] Last: ofstream BankRegOut ("bankreg.txt", ios::app); (by pogrady)
Why are class members private by default?
My book describes it but I dont quite understand. The reason that class members are private by default is because, in general, an object of a class should be...
[17 replies] Last: Ok thankyou. I will read it and do some more research. But basically i... (by Anmol444)
Why wouldnt this work?
This: "The compiler may not always be able to insert the code for a function inline (such as with recursive functions or functions for which you have obtaine...
[4 replies] Last: I feel so dumb now lol. Anyways thanks! (by Anmol444)
by Daleth
Installing PDcurses
I've tried following this video:, but the command prompt is spitting back these non-existent file/directory errors. T...
[no replies]
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