General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 24)

identify end of function code at running time
Hello, I have some question. I want to implement some "debugger like" tool (very limited one, just identify at running time the current stack trace, and print ...
[14 replies] Last: Well you can define it and let the macro call a function that will use... (by chessmaster)
ofstream not writing?
Hi, I have code to write to a file: char buffer ; int nDataLength = recv(Socket,buffer,100000,0); ofstream f; f.exceptions ( std::ifstr...
[1 reply] : ah, it was the directory delimiters, open() uses "/", not "\". I was h... (by hansaaa)
What does this mean!!
From my book: "A const member function cannot call a non-const member function of the same class, since this would potentially modify the object." Can anyone ...
[8 replies] Last: Ok thanks :D (by Anmol444)
Access violation strcmp
I'm stuck I'm Using visual studio c++ 2012 when ever i compile a windows appears saying access violation about strcmp function #include <iostream> #include <...
[1 reply] : The problem is the assignment on line 19. (by Peter87)
Problems with string length
Why won't this work? If the employeeID is "1234567", that's what it returns, not the error message. void SalesRep::setEmployeeID(const string &empID) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Add another message that prints out the employee id, maybe this will h... (by Smac89)
by aruna
C++ program for bit-stuffing..
can someone help me with a program that reads in a sequence of binary digits that in a container. The input terminates on any input that is not a 0 or 1.Also ad...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { // read bits ... (by JLBorges)
trying to make 2 recursive functions
im having trouble with the code trying to get it to do what i want it to do basically i want to input a number for example 123456 and get back how many 7's ar...
[9 replies] Last: Please use the code tags correctly. And please edit your current posts... (by Catfish3)
by sieg
Compiler doing weird things.
In the main file or "application" file I have #include <iostream> #include "general.h" using namespace std; int main() { General bif; cout <<...
[1 reply] : this creates an integer but doesn't initialize it (its contents are so... (by Cubbi)
by garbie
command line arguments
Your program must not use a menu system. Instead the behaviour of the program will be controlled using command line arguments. Your system will respon...
[4 replies] Last: well its all blank (by garbie)
by garbie
arrays and functions
Dynamic 1D Arrays & Function Pointers. • Your transformations must be applied by the transform function which • returns a pointer to a dynamically allocat...
[4 replies] Last: let me try and do it then (by garbie)
by wk0109
my text file include id name ic gender dob void searchAdministratorID() { system("CLS"); string line; string ID; fstream searchfile; searchfile.op...
[3 replies] Last: Anyone can help me? (by wk0109)
Wheir should I begin?
I am a 17 years old and am doing game programming at school. Im very lucky to be doing it at school because my school very nice, but i have no help besides for ...
[11 replies] Last: OK, sorry for making you repeat yourselves like that. I will get to do... (by cody mick)
Issue with the SDL IMG_Load() function
Hello! First of all, thanks to everyone who's reading my post and wants to help. As the title says, I have a problem with the SDL IMG_Load() function. In my co...
[4 replies] Last: So, I checked and by default it does change the working directory. But... (by freakypanda)
How to change conio.h?
/* The use of arrays (in class / in the main program). Arrays in the main program is also known as an object array. */ #include <iostream> #include <cstrin...
[6 replies] Last: > how to include that function in my coding? Just write the function ... (by JLBorges)
by jkate
Application container in C++
Dear All, I need to design application container in C++. So looking for some suggestions. Example: Let say I create one class. class test { public...
[3 replies] Last: Well, there is no built-in reflection system in C++, which means that ... (by KRAkatau)
I need an extended unsigned integer type.
Does anyone of you have an extended unsigned integer class, that has custom lenght? The reason i am asking is because i need an extremely large integer number,...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for the replies. But i discovered that i don't really need a... (by IndieExe)
by tsvi
delete LinkedList from pointer
Sup? let's say I have class LinkedList: class LinkedList { public: class Node { public: Data* data; Node* next; }; Node* head; public: // met...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, (2) calls the destructor of newL and then releases the memory use... (by keskiverto)
by eastw
Editing certain line in File C++
Hi guys nid some helps over here. Well,i hav a question requiring me to edit sales achieved by an employee for a particular month. I'm having a dat.file which...
[4 replies] Last: another side question; any ideas on how to convert every first letter ... (by eastw)
This Pointer Help!!
Hey guys. I dont get this coding. Could you please explain? Thanks alot
[4 replies] Last: Sorry i suck at this :-/ In order to not suck, you need to learn m... (by doug4)
Strings and const chars.
So, I'm working with cocos2d-x and there's a specific function used to print true type fonts to the screen. My problem is that I want to feed a string into the ...
[3 replies] Last: Also, you're attempting to pass in a float as the third argument, when... (by MikeyBoy)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 53
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