General C++ Programming - April 2013 (Page 14)

import php code
I'm not sure if these possible, let's say i have these code on php $php_str = 'Hello World'; echo $php_str; i want to get the output to c++ something like ...
[no replies]
some help me
Write your question here. Write a grading program for a class with the following grading policies a. There are two exams, each graded on the basis of 100 ...
[1 reply] : Please note, that it is not a homework site. We won't do your homework... (by MiiNiPaa)
need help
A movie theater manage in town wants to know how many audiences are children or adults group and their average age in each group. In this homework, you will ass...
[1 reply] : we can't do your homework for you. Did you have a question? (by Yanson)
Header File Confusion
Hello, I am writing a small console game to get back into the spirit of programming. However, I seem to have small issue. I have created a namespace and I am tr...
[1 reply] : You have to compile both .cpp files and then link the result together ... (by Peter87)
minor problem with array
im trying to get For example, if the user enters: 0,3,4,0,0,7,6,7 the program should create following board and print: Q....... ...Q.... ....Q... Q......
[3 replies] Last: got it thanks (by fresheze13)
hello i need help
Write a program that accepts a C-string input from the user and reverses the contents of the string. Your program should work by using two pointers. The “head...
[1 reply] : #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> int main() ... (by proderges)
Dynamic Array
Hello! I'm doing an exercise which involves for the user to enter the size of the dynamic array and then enter the numbers, but then it needs to create another ...
[10 replies] Last: @pogrady: you have not even determined which scenario he actually ne... (by pogrady)
by Ram666
Cosine Similarity program
I am having some problem with this program because I can't figure it how to create the CSV file. It's supposed to have 256 columns and 8 rows. For the problem w...
[no replies]
2d array help
I'm pretty confused on how to compare two "cells" in a 2 dimensional array. Im almost sure it's something with in my logic when checking the cells... any help ...
[2 replies] Last: I changed one mistake with assigning in the if statement and changed i... (by bill265)
by azuew
games project
Hi everyone. We have a project which is given by our lecturer and we don't move on this project. Firstly our game : Our pr...
[1 reply] : It might interest you reading this book, but I know that you need alle... (by Donanza)
Spread the word!
After the great success of the C++ book and the game programming book, I have created a campaign to help raise funds for a free game programming book! Spread t...
[no replies]
how to write a bootable program?
i want to write a bootable c/c++ Hello World. how can i do that?
[2 replies] Last: There is no such thing as a bootable program. You'll have to create a... (by cnoeval)
File into arrays
I want to read a file into three arrays , the file looks like this : Bar soap 1000 0.27 Laundry Detergent 200 5.15 as you can see the first line must ...
[4 replies] Last: O,k thanks for being there. Suppose I have this soap // the first line... (by Ahmed Albadwi)
Temp Converter
Hey I am trying to make a temp converter, but I am having some trouble with getting my difference function to work I was wondering if anyone could give me a bit...
[2 replies] Last: Is this Any better? // firenheight.cpp : Defines the entry point fo... (by Rich1e1990)
How does this work?
In this Code: class Digit { private: int m_nDigit; public: Digit(int nDigit=0) { m_nDigit = nDigit; } Digit& operat...
[12 replies] Last: ok thanks :D (by Anmol444)
by AceK
Hi everyone, can somebody tell me in laymans terms what object reflection is, and in what OOP programming situation would you want to apply object reflection. I...
[1 reply] : Reflection allows you to write code that examines other running code, ... (by LB)
Getline with integers, double, strings and delimeters?
I want to use getline to read stuff from a file that looks like: Student ID:88152; Grades: 83.67, 92.45, 74.43, 97.95, 76.45; Name:Abercrombie, Neil Student I...
[3 replies] Last: In that case lines 27 and 28 of your code need to be in a loop and you... (by LB)
by Haze
Binary Convert
I have ben scratching my head at this code for the last 2 days now and cant figure out what i have done wrong! i am trying to get the code to read from the txt ...
[3 replies] Last: coder777 i got the code to work!! thanks so much for the hep!! (by Haze)
Link List Sorting Method
I can't sort node based upon there value please help me to sort nodes on the basis of the Nodes value in ascending order if(Current_Node->get_value() < Las...
[3 replies] Last: if(Current_Node->get_value() < Last_Current_Node->get_value()) { tem... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Jijgee
char, unicode char
Hello, I need to know how many byte mongolian cyrillic char is. To do this, I wrote the following code. string d="сайн"; for(int i=0; i<d.l...
[5 replies] Last: does it mean that size of mongolian cyrillic char is not 2 bytes? Th... (by Cubbi)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 53
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