huffman de-codification

i have this huffman codification code

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
const int maxsize = 100;
const int null = 0;

struct huff_node
char symbol;
int freq;
huff_node *parent;
char childtype;

typedef huff_node *ptr;
ptr node[maxsize];

void create(int k);
void print(int k);
void twosmall(ptr &p, ptr &q, int numnode);

int main()
int numsymbols;
ptr p, q, r;
cout << "Introduce el numero de simbolos: ";
cin >> numsymbols;
for (int i = 0; i < numsymbols; i++)

for (int j = numsymbols; j < 2*numsymbols - 1; j++)
r = new huff_node;
node[j] = r;
r->parent = null;
twosmall(p, q, j);
p->parent = r;
q->parent = r;
p->childtype = 'L';
q->childtype = 'R';
r->symbol = ' ';
r->freq = p->freq + q->freq;
cout << endl << endl;
cout <<"simbolo *-------* codigo: " << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < numsymbols; k++)
return 0;

void create(int k)
ptr t = new huff_node;
cout << "introduce el simbolo numero " << k+1 << ": ";
cin >> t->symbol;
cout << "introduce su frecuencia: ";
cin >> t->freq;
t->parent = null;
node[k] = t;

void print(int k)
ptr t = node[k];
char code[10];
int size = 0;
cout << t->symbol << " - ";

while (t->parent != null)
if (t->childtype == 'L')
code[size] = '0';
code[size] = '1';
t = t->parent;

for (int j = size-1; j >= 0; j--)
cout << code[j];
cout << endl;

void twosmall(ptr &p, ptr &q, int numnodes)
int min1 = 9999;
int min2 = 9999;
p = null;
q = null;

for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; i++)
if (node[i]->parent == null)
if (node[i]->freq < min1)
min2 = min1;
min1 = node[i]->freq;
q = p;
p = node[i];
if (node[i]->freq < min2)
min2 = node[i]->freq;
q = node[i];

every step is to create the appropriate node and link it to an array that will represent my tree, and then at each iteration seeks the 2 lowest probability nodes and creates a new one whose probability is the sum of the 2 lowest

is there any way to start decoding from a .huf file that already has the text codified in huffman?
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