VS 2010 Express cant find include files

Hi there.
I have been trying out SFML and have installed it and set up vs 2010 express to find the correct include and lib files.

When I tried to compile my first attempt I got ane error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'SFML/Audio.hpp': No such file or directory

I have checked and the file is there, in the directory specified. Just as a tryout I altered the line in the source file to remove the "SFML/" part, leaving just Audio.hpp. The compiler then found it.
However it then came up with the same error for the next include file and again I found the appropriate line in the code and removed the "SFML/".

This does seem to have the required effect but does this mean I will need to go through every file with this sort of include reference to manually change them?

There must surely be an easier way to get the compiler to recognise the target?

Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
This means you have given the wrong path in the VS directory settings. You need to give parent directory of SFML in the settings.


You need to give "C:\somfolder" and not "C:\somefolder\SFML".
Thanks for the advice I will try it and let you know how I get on. I think the instructions, on the website, for setting up SFML could be clearer. (Perhaps it's just my age lol)
Thanks for your help writetonsharma. You were quite right. As soon as I changed the settings as you advised it worked perfectly.
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