please help me with my project

Mini Project – Flight Information Display System
Design and write a program to model the operation of incoming flights computer screen that is normally found at a typical small airport
like Moshoeshoe I airport (if they do have one). The following provides the information that needs to be displayed about each flight:
• Airline - [string of maximum length 15] Name of the airline, eg. FlySAA
• Flight Number - [string of maximum length 5] eg. 04120
• Origin - [string of maximum length 25] Place where the flight originated from eg. Johannesburg
• Date/Time - [integers: Hour, Minute, Day, Month, Year] Arrival time of the flight
• Status - [string of maximum length 15] Whether the flight is "OnTime" or "Delayed"
Basic Operation
Store the incoming flights in a list of objects. The display must show a fixed number of flights in a simple table where each flight
corresponds to one line of the table (set this fixed number in a constant with a value of 9) and present the user with an interactive
interface to change the list. The list of flights must be sorted in order of time so that the earliest expected flight is at the top of the list.
The interactive interface can take the form of a list of options printed at the bottom of the flight list, followed by the user inputting a
character and the system then acting upon that input (continued until the user explicitly chooses to quit). There must be options
available to do each of the following actions:
• Add a flight - If the user selects this option, the user must input all the required values for a new flight, which must then be
added to the list.
• Delay a flight - The user must be prompted for the Airline and Flight number and then the status of the flight must be changed
from "OnTime" to "Delayed".
• Remove a flight - Assuming that the flight has either arrived or been cancelled, the user must be prompted for the Airline and
Flight number, whereupon the appropriate flight must be removed from the list.
• Load a batch job from disk - (as discussed below)
• Quit – to quit the display system.
Note: Error-checking is optional and constitutes an easy way to earn creativity points for the project.
Batch input
When you load a file from disk the contents are read in as a stream of words. If the first word is "add", the rest of the line contains
Airline, Flight, Origin, Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year. If the first word is "delay" or "remove" the rest of the line contains Airline and
Flight. Some typical lines from a batch file are display below:
remove FlySAA 6001
add Kulula 4011 PortElizaberth 0 10 5 7 2013
delay Mango 6202

Your program must incorporate the following features and programming techniques:
➢ use object-oriented-programming:
• specifically, you are required to create one class definition for the data corresponding to each flight, possibly called
Flight and one class definition for the data structure, possibly called FlightList (encapsulating the data storage and the
functions to manipulate the data structure). You may use more class definitions if you wish to do so.
• as far as possible, use private data variables in your classes and access them through appropriate public accessor
member functions.
➢ use separate compilation.
• specifically, each class should be split into a header and a cpp file, with the declaration in the header file and the
definitions in the cpp file.
• use conditional directives to avoid multiple inclusions of the same files.
➢ you may use a list as the structure to store the list of flights.
• include an appropriate constructor and destructor to initialize and destroy the data structure.
• include functions to manipulate the data structure in order to Add, Delay and Remove flights.
➢ your program must be able to read in and process an initial file, whose name is supplied on the command-line, before presenting
the regular interactive interface to the user.
You may make the following assumptions:
• Each flight has a unique airline/flight number combination.
• Each string is a single word and does not contain any intervening spaces - so "Cape Town" would be stored/displayed as
• At startup, the system begins with zero flights listed. While the system displays only 9 flights, the rest must remain hidden -
there should be no option to scroll.
• All new flights are automatically set to be "OnTime".
Sample Screen Display
Flight Arrivals
Airline Flight From Time Date Status
------- ------ ---- ---- ---- ------
FlyMango 7248 Johannesburg 08:10 07/04 OnTime
FlySAA 0657 Maseru 08:25 07/04 OnTime
1Time 1005 Bloemfontein 20:12 07/04 Delayed
Kulula 2132 CapeTown 08:00 07/05 OnTime
FlySAA 4117 Durban 10:00 07/05 OnTime
FlyMango 2354 Maseru 11:25 07/05 Delayed
1Time 5214 Bloemfontein 20:25 07/05 OnTime
Kulula 0025 CapeTown 08:09 07/06 OnTime
FlySAA 2741 Maseru 10:15 07/06 OnTime
Options: [A]dd Flight / [R]emove / [D]elay / [L]oad from disk / [Q]uit
Project Submission
➢ Submit a .zip file containing all your source files, header files, and make files. It must be possible to recompile your project
based on the files you submit - please test this before submission. Do not submit any executables, object files or any
intermediate files like precompiled headers.
What, exactly, did you want help with?
can somebody please volunteer to help me thru it(do it with me) um suck even with js beggining
Java script?
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