c++ H.W

King Abdullah II School for Information Technology Computer Science Department Computer Skills II (C++) – Homework#1

Instructor: Dr. Jamal Alsakran Due Date: Tuesday 18/4/2013
You are going to write a complete C++ program that reads a sequence of scores and performs some basic processing on these scores (e.g. average, max/min, and grading). Your program will do the followings:
1 Read a sequence of scores from the standard input stream (Keyboard). Note: the number of scores is unknown; so your program should read all scores and stop when it reads -1.
2 Apply the following grading scheme on the scores and print each score with its grade next to it. [100, 90] A [89, 80] B [79, 70] C [69, 60] D [59, 0] F
3 Find how many scores fall in each grade and print this summary.
4 Calculate the average, maximum, and minimum and print them.
5 Add a function named DisplayMyInformation that will display your First and Last Name and your Student ID. Make the function call to be first line in your main function so it will be the first thing to be executed.

How to submit:
• Name your program (C++ source code) “YourFirstLastName.cpp”
• Submit your code via Elearning.ju.edu.jo
Very nice. Have fun.
@Vlad, you are reported for abuse. Either answer the OP's question or not. Don't give him grief about stuff he has no control over.

Don't ask people to do your homework for you. People come here to help you learn, not to do your work for you.

If you have not been following along in class you will need to go to your professor and ask for help. Many universities also have a department where other students will volunteer to help you when you are struggling to understand something.

The best thing you can do is get out your compiler and try to do at least some of the things you have been asked to do. Start with reading a score and printing it. Then add a loop to read a sequence of scores and print them. Change the printing to showing the letter grade as well. Etc.

If/when you get stuck, show us what you have done and we can point out the errors.

Good luck!
King - is the synonym of a criminal against Humanity.

Never heard that before but i agree :)
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