Make sure you're using the Orwell version of Dev-C++, the other versions are really old and don't support C++ correctly. If you want experience with command-line compilers, I'd recommend clang++ (it works in Windows with MinGW) as it has the best support for C++11 (the latest version of C++ that was released in 2011).
You can use the tutorial, reference, and articles on this site, and there is also another reference:
Googling things often brings up stack overflow Q&As, which are generally very helpful. We'll also help you if you post in these forums.
There's also online compilers:
When it comes to books, check the reviews and such, as there are actually a lot of really *bad* C++ books that will only hurt you - it is important to find the good ones.
You're definitely in a good place to start - I started programming at 11 with no formal teaching on the subject - everything I learned was from online resources. I have a good deal of knowledge and know good practices, but I am only missing experience from doing projects or internships. If you have time (I don't) you should work on various projects. Don't feel bad if you never finish them - they're just for the experience.