Hello, i'm a beginner in C++, still learning the basics, please i'm trying to design Sudoku and write a program for it, however i got stucked in trying to get my inputs to read from a file, i seem not to get the right command. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks
Here is a copy of the code:
// sud.cpp : main project file.
int grid[9] [9];
using GetFileName();
int main()
//declare the variable of type ostream
//since you are dealing with output
string Filename;
ofstream myfile;
//function to open the file which inlcudes
//the filename;
cout <<input << endl;
getline(dataFile, input, '$')
for (r=1; r<=9; r++)
for (c=1; c<=9; c++)
if A1=5
then printf finalvalue=5
int main()
std::string line;
std::vector< std::vector<int> > all_integers;
while ( getline( std::cin, line ) ) {
std::istringstream is( line );
std::vector<int>( std::istream_iterator<int>(is),
std::istream_iterator<int>() ) );
What is it you're trying to do? Is your program a sudoku game? Does it automatically solve sudoku puzzlies?... And please use the source code format when posting actual code.