Kindly i would like to take your advice on below issue.I'm developing POS applications,The drivers of POS is given to my from POS vendor and all are written in C language.
I'm trying to divide the Work flow into 3 layers
1- Application Layer
2- API
3- C Libraries (Vendor libraries)
1- Application layer
And it should be just customization for each application based on requirement, Just by calling functions in APIs
2- Application programming interface(API)
This is intermediate layer between C libraries provided by vendor and application level . Which isolate higher layer from low level one and it prevents any communication between both. It's flexible layer you can add and function you would like in it
3- C Libraries.
It’s low level layer and it consist of C functions for POS drives
Kindly which is better and why
1- Write Application layer and API layer both in C++
2- Write Application layer in C++ and API in C