Visual Studio forgot how to do math?

So I am using Visual Studio 2012 Professional, this is C++ code. I am just trying to get the remainder from a very simple division. Nothing difficult, heres the code:
double getProbability(){
		int rd = random();
		int max = numeric_limits<int>::max();
		double result = rd % max;
		cout << "Probability: " << result << "\n";		
		return result;

When I look at the values in debug I get:
max     2147483647
rd      1804289383
result  1804289383.0000000

Umm.... that is completely wrong. The answer should be 0.840188. What is going on here?

random() just returns a number from a vector that was prepopulated with "random" integers. Not really random, but that isn't all that important. What is important is why on earth is a % operation returning such a huge number. I assigned the values to variables so I could look at them in the debugger. I know I am going to probably get a thousand different ways that I could do this "better" but again, that isn't what I am looking for. I would just like someone to explain to me why the % operation is doing what it is doing?

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The modulus is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. You probably want division, but you will need to cast either rd or max to double.
So, when did % change from giving a remainder to doing what ever it is that is doing there? My understanding, and the way I have been using / and % for years is that / will give everything to the left of a decimal point, and % returns everything to the right of the decimal point, the remainder? I am honestly confused, I am not trying t be facetious or anything like that. This is honestly the first time I have ever seen a result like that from using %.
closed account (o1vk4iN6)
Polorboy forgot how to do math?

Always find it funny when someone blames the tools.
Polorboy forgot how to do math?

Always find it funny when someone blames the tools.

And I always find it funny when someone trolls.
double result = rd % max;

Just realized what was going on, this is what happens when you code on little sleep. The little things get you. The number is right, I just want the decimal at the other end of the number.
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I don't think you understand how modulus works
Modulus returns the remainder of integer division but if the numerator is smaller it is returned.
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+1 @ naraku.

Modulus does nothing regarding the "decimal point". What it does it it gives you the remainder after a division (read: integer remainder).

So... 7 % 3 == 1 , because 7 / 3 is 2 remainder 1.

If you are doing x % max, then odds are very high you're going to just get x, unless x == max (in which case you'd get 0).

Maybe these were what you are after.

and std::modf

Btw xerzi is right, don't blame the tools in the first instance - you wouldn't say that your calculator can't do math would you?

Hope all goes well.
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