Help: program giving me unlimited loop

I just completed my program then I decided to debug it. When the program begin, it keeps outputting the message infinitely. I don't understand what's the problem.

Here's my program.
// weekgrosssales.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

// Begin main function execution
int main()
	const int sales = 10;
	int counter = 0; // Initialize counter
	int totalsales; // Initialize totalsales
	int group1 = 0, group2 = 0, group3 = 0, group4 = 0, group5 = 0, group6 = 0, group7 = 0, group8 = 0, group9 = 0; // Initialize all group for the bar chart
	int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0, i = 0;

	int salesperson[sales];

	// The formulae for totalsales
	totalsales = 200 + (sales * 9/100 );

	// Counter
	while ( counter < 10 )
		cout << "Please enter your weekly sales";
		cin >> salesperson[sales];

		// To determine which group the totalsales should be placed
		if (sales >= 200 && sales < 300) // if totalsales is between $200-$299
			++group1; // increment group1
			++counter;  // increment counter
		if (sales >= 300 && sales < 400) // if totalsales is between $300-$399
			++group2; // increment group2
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 400 && sales < 500) // if totalsales is between $400-$499
			++group3; // increment group3
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 500 && sales < 600) // if totalsales is between $500-$599
			++group4; // increment group4
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 600 && sales < 700) // if totalsales is between $600-$699
			++group5; // increment group5
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 700 && sales < 800) // if totalsales is between $700-$799
			++group6; // increment group6
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 800 && sales < 900) // if totalsales is between $800-$899
			++group7; // increment group7
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 900 && sales < 1000) // if totalsales is between $900-$999
			++group8; // increment group8
			++counter; // increment counter
		if (sales >= 1000 ) // if totalsales is over or equal to $1000
			++group9; // increment group9
			++counter; // increment counter
		else // if it doesn't satisfy any criteria
			++counter; // increment counter
			cout << "The following weekly gross sales is ignored" << endl;

	// For the bar chart
	cout << "$200-$299";
	while (a <= group1)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$300-$399";
	while (b <= group2)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$400-$499";
	while (c <= group3)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$500-$599";
	while (d <= group4)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$600-$699";
	while (e <= group5)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$700-$799";
	while (f <= group6)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$800-$899";
	while (g <= group7)
		cout << "*";

	cout << "$900-$999";
	while (h <= group8)
		cout << "*";

	cout <<"$1000 and above";
	while (i <= group9)
		cout << "*";
What is it a stupid code?
You defined sales as

const int sales = 10;

Then you wrote

if (sales >= 200 && sales < 300)

Please explain me how can sales be greater than or equal to 200?

Also where is inputed data written in this statement

cin >> salesperson[sales];

	while (a <= group1)
		cout << "*";
The problem is that neither a nor group1 will ever change, hence you have either no loop at all or an infinite loop
I'll do another program with scratch and delete this programme.
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