How to have the console recognize every word?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int x;
string favword;

int main()
cout << "Enter your favorite number (between 1 and 10 ... don't mess around ima computer.... I'll know" <<endl;

cin >> x ;
if (x < 1)
cout << "Not cool" <<endl;

else if (x > 10)
cout << "Man I can't count that high" <<endl;

else if (x = string)
cout << "SYSTEM ERROR"<<endl;

}while(x < 1 || x > 10);

cout << "Well done" <<endl;
cout << "Now enter you favorite word" <<endl;
cin >> favword;
cout <<"[/code]this is your favorite word " << favword <<endl;
return 0;

I wan't this program to be able to recognize if a user types in any word ex. (apple, tree, house etc..) and print "system error" if a word is recognized not to be a number. The bold section of code is my failed attempt to try this. Basically I need to know what to make

(x = ?(every word)) in order to finish my console program. thanks for the help
Chervil already answered this question in your other post here:
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