You're absolutely right!
I added the folder C:\MinGW\bin to the PATH, but when I installed TDM 4.7.1
I re-named C:\MinGW to C:\MinGW-4.8.0 and then forgot to update the PATH.
Once I did that CMake successfully configured and generated the makefiles.
Now this is the screen of CMD:
C:\Documents and Settings\Vidminas>cd C:\SFML-2.0\projects
Scanning dependencies of target sfml-system
[ 1%] Building CXX object src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.
The system cannot find the path specified.
make[2]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.obj] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/SFML/System/CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
I looked around and found Clock.cpp in C:\SFML-2.0\src\SFML\System if that makes a difference.
And there is no folder called "CMakeFiles" there. (which, I think, is the folder that the errors are referring to)
EDIT: Now I think the errors were referring to the folder
The only things there are files ending with .make, .cmake, .internal, .includecache, .rsp
There's a folder called "Win32" which seems to be empty.
There's also a file called "link.txt" which contains:
C:/MinGW-4.8.0/bin/ar.exe cr ../../../lib/libsfml-system-s.a CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Clock.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Err.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Lock.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Mutex.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Sleep.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/String.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Thread.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/ThreadLocal.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Time.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ClockImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/MutexImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/SleepImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ThreadImpl.cpp.obj CMakeFiles/sfml-system.dir/Win32/ThreadLocalImpl.cpp.obj
C:/MinGW-4.8.0/bin/ranlib.exe ../../../lib/libsfml-system-s.a
And thanks for bearing with me :)
If I were you, I'd have gotten fed up with myself a long while ago. (maybe...)