So the task is to find the node with minimum value of a binary tree (not binary search tree). the input is the pointer to the root of the tree. and i cannot make recursion work when i do if conditions. here is what i have
CPPtr minimumvalue(CPPtr SP){
CPPtr min = NULL; //node of minimum value
if(SP== NULL){ // if there is a node, begin comparing
return NULL;
if(SP->data<SP->left->data){ //if the node has smaller value than its left child
min = SP; //update node of minimum value
else min = SP->left; //if the node has greater value than its left child
//update node to the child
if (min->data > SP->right->data){ //if the updated node has smaller value than right child
min = SP->right; //update node
// CPPtr minl = minimumvalue(SP->left); //check for left subtree
// CPPtr minr = minimumvalue(SP->right); //check for right subtree
return min;
no matter where i call my function i get errors like unhandled exception at some memory.
anyone have idea on how to use recursion in this?
CPPtr minimumvalue(CPPtr SP){
CPPtr min = SP; //node of minimum value
if(SP!= NULL){ // if there is a node, begin comparing
// return SP;
// }
// else{
min = minimumvalue(SP->left); //check for left subtree
min = minimumvalue(SP->right); //check for right subtree
if((SP->left!=NULL && SP->data<SP->left->data)||SP->left==NULL){ //if the node has smaller value than its left child
min = SP; //update node of minimum value
elseif (SP->left!=NULL){
min = SP->left;
} //if the node has greater value than its left child
//update node to the child
if (SP->right!=NULL && min->data > SP->right->data){ //if the updated node has smaller value than right child
min = SP->right; //update node
return min;
now my code only does it once, the recursion seems useless even if i called it. If i call them at the end of the if (SP!=NULL ){} the function returns NULL