//I cant seem to find my problem

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

const int MAXROWS = 4;
const int MAXCOLS = 4;
const int MAXFILENAME = 255;

// Structure used to define a point (x,y) in the grid.
typedef struct
int x, y;
} Point;

// Structure used to store a partially filled array, consisting of an
// array of integers and it's used size (number of filled positions).
typedef struct
int list[MAXROWS * MAXCOLS];
int size;
} Sequence;

// Prints the contents of the nums array to the screen
// from position 0 to position usedSize-1.
void printArray(const int nums[], int usedSize);

// Finds and returns the longest increasing sequence of numbers in grid, beginning at startPos.
// The value found at position startPos in the grid will be the first number in the returned sequence.
// Note: this is a helper function which is used to start the recursive generateSeq function.
Sequence getSequence(int grid[][MAXCOLS], Point startPos);

// Finds and returns the longest increasing sequence of numbers in grid, beginning at startPos.
// seq is the sequence which has been found so far.
Sequence generateSeq(int grid[][MAXCOLS], Point startPos, Sequence seq);

int main()
int grid[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS]; // Holds the grid, as read from the file
char filename[MAXFILENAME]; // Holds the filename of the grid file
Sequence maxseq; // Holds the max sequence found in the grid
Point startPos; // The position in the grid of where the sequence begins
cout << "Enter filename containing grid: ";
cin.getline(filename, MAXFILENAME);
Sequence tmpseq;
maxseq.size = 0;

ifstream input;;
if (
cout << "ERROR: input file cannot be opened.\n";

return 1;
// these two nested for loops read the first number from the file and place in the array named grid.
for(int y=0; y < MAXROWS; y++)
for(int x=0; x <MAXCOLS; x++)
input >> grid[y][x];
//cout << x << " " << y << " " << grid[y][x] << "\n";
//these two nested for loops assign x and y as values for the start position on the grid.
for(int y=0; y < MAXROWS; y++)
for(int x=0; x< MAXCOLS; x++)
startPos.x = x;
startPos.y = y;
tmpseq = getSequence(grid, startPos);
if (maxseq.size > tmpseq.size)
maxseq = tmpseq;

cout << "The longest increasing sequence in the grid is:\n\n";
printArray(maxseq.list, maxseq.size);
cout << "\nLength: " << maxseq.size << endl;

return 0;

Sequence generateSeq(int grid[][MAXCOLS], Point startPos, Sequence seq)
Sequence maxseq;
Sequence tmpseq;
maxseq = tmpseq = seq;

Point reference;

tmpseq.size = 0;
maxseq.size = 0;
seq.list[seq.size] = grid[startPos.x][startPos.y];
//if (grid[startPos.x][startPos.y] < grid[startPos.x + x][startPos.y + y])
for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++)
cout << "First For loop in generate sequence.\n";
if (startPos.y+y <= MAXROWS - 1 && startPos.y+y >= 0){
cout << "Bounds for Y.\n";
for(int x = -1; x < 2; x++)
cout << "Second For loop in generate sequence.\n";
if (startPos.x + x <= MAXCOLS - 1 && startPos.y + y >= 0){
cout << "Bounds for X.\n";
if (grid[startPos.x][startPos.y] < grid[startPos.x + x][startPos.y + y]){
reference.x = startPos.x + x;
reference.y = startPos.y + y;
cout << "StartPos.\n";
maxseq = generateSeq(grid, startPos, seq);
cout << "Just after the recursive function call.\n";
if (tmpseq.size < maxseq.size){
cout << "Comparing tmp seq with maxseq.\n";
tmpseq = maxseq;
cout << "After maxseq is stored in tmpseq.\n";
//if (maxseq.size > tmpseq.size)
/* if (tmpseq.size > seq.size){
cout << "Comparing Original sequence.\n";
return tmpseq;

else return seq; */
return (tmpseq.size > seq.size) ? tmpseq : seq;
cout << "Exit the program.\n";

Sequence getSequence(int grid[][MAXCOLS], Point startPos)
// Create an empty sequence
Sequence emptySeq;
emptySeq.size = 0;

// Use the empty sequence to start the recursive function
return generateSeq(grid, startPos, emptySeq);

void printArray(const int nums[], int usedSize)
cout << "{";

for (int x = 0; x < usedSize; x++)
cout << nums[x];

if (x < usedSize-1) cout << ", ";

cout << "}\n";
Last edited on
Please put in code brackets and tell us where you're stuck.
I agree with greenleaf please use code tags, and state your problem.

I will point out that you don't have a using namespace std; statement.

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