Graphics.h or QT

My project is not a game, but regarding graphics it requires an image editor(with not much flexibility). And I have previously used graphics.h but our course instructor has suggested QT, but that's for making games. Should I go with graphics.h or QT? Please answer keeping in view the easiness because graphics isn't the main part of the project- it's just something to be done but the main part is to learn OOP and inner mechanisms of the project.
Edit: Our course instructor has suggested QT for making games. ^
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I would recommend something from this century which leaves graphics.h out, so I would go with QT. By the way QT is not really for games, it was designed for creating GUIs.

Is QT easy/ fast to learn like graphics.h? there's a submission deadline for the project and like I said graphics isn't the objective of it(or the project idea doesn't require heavy graphics)... so that's why I'm asking. btw thanks :)
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Go with QT, that way you may get some support from your instructor. If you are still using Turbo-Crap you should really get a more recent compiler. That relic should be tossed into the dustbin of history.

But whatever package you go with don't wait till the last minute to start your projects.
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thanks . very helpful :D
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