Threading in C++ (under Linux)

Hi all,

I am about to use threading in a C++ application for performance reasons. I have read that Boost library ( and commoncpp by gnu are popular. Does anyone have any pros. and cons for these to alternatives? And does anyone have any other alternative? Commercial licenced libraries is OK.

Also does anyone have a book to recommend in the subject, that is, threading in C++ under Linux?

I have some basic experience with posix threads in C using vxworks and some other realtime operating systems but threads in C++ under Linux is new to me.

Best regards Mikael
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
There's no need to double post. The topic under Linux was suffecient enough don't ya think? v..V
I agree. Double posting is really annoying. Nobody wants to waste their time answering the same question that was already answered in another forum.
use pthreads on linux/unix.
you can find lots of tutorials on web.
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