c++ program

can anyone code this c++ program!

a program for a bank institution!

The program will ask the user to input the client's ID number of 5 digits, name, surname, gender, age, physical address, period(in years in which he/she wants to deposite money for), amount of money deposited. The program is going to calculate the expected interest accumalated in that stipulated period plus the total amount the client os going to have at the end of that period. It should do this for each client. The program should terminate when an ID of ''000'' is entered.

The bank offers the following rates (compound annually):

If the period is between 0 and 1 years inclusivee, the bank offers an interest rate of 2 percent per annum for amount less than 100dollars and 3 percent for an amount greater or equals to 100dollars. If the period is between 2 and 5 years inclusivee the bank offers an interest rate of 5 percent per annum for an amount less than 100 dollars and 6 percent for an amount greater or equalss to 100 dollars. If the period is more than 5 years, the bank offers an interest rate of 9 percent per annum for an amount less than 100 dollars and 10 percent for an amount greater or equals to 100 dollars.

The formalar for calculation of compound interest is A=P(1+1)t squared, where
-A is the amount of money accumalated after n years, including interest
-P is principal amount (the amount deposited)
-r is annual rate of interest (as decimal)
-t is number of years the amount is deposited for

At the end, the program should print the following:
-the list of clients who opened accounts
-total number of clients who opened accounts
This looks very much like an assignment you have been given. As such it is your responsibility to write the program. If you find you have difficulties with aspects of your program, then by all means post a request for help on this forum with a snippet of your code and an explanation of where you are having difficulties etc...

We do not write your code for you.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
I will not write this program for you. I can't take a fee and will not be paid
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
before i get reported, ^ was a joke
no guys I wrote this program, i wanted to see if someone can write it
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
post a link to the code on like paste bin so we at least no ur not lying
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