I have a string that looks something like "Cell 4,102,210:13" The problem is that I don't necessarily know how many numbers are separated by a comma and how many digits they have. What would be the best way to get the integers out of the string?
You can use stringstreams to get numbers from a string and a vector to store them
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stringstream ss("Cell 4,102,210:13");
vector<int> Numbers;
int Temp;
while (!ss.eof() && !isdigit(ss.peek()) ) //discard all the non numeric characters at the beginning
ss >> Temp;//Read next number
Numbers.push_back(Temp);//Add the number to the vector
if ( ss.get()!=',' || ss.eof() ) break; // if next character is not a comma or the stream has no more characters, exit from the loop