dice game, iteration with selection

Hello, I am having a problem with the total bank calculating the improper amount of money held.
$1.00 subtracted for each play. $2.00 added for each win.

"Sorry, you lost. Your bank is 9. Guess again?"
"Sorry, you lost. Your bank is 8. Guess again?"
"Sorry, you lost. Your bank is 7. Guess again?"
"Congrats. You won! Bank is now 10."
The bank should read 9 after winning the 4th guess.

I apologize for such obscene noobetry. Any hints would be faaaaaaaaantastic. Thank you.

My code:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main()
	char input;
	int guess;
	int ans;
	int banktot = 10.00;


		cout << "Welcome to the dice guess game." << endl;
		cout << "It costs $1.00 to play." << endl;
		cout << "Would you like to continue? (y,n)" << endl; 
		cin >> input;
		while (input == 'y')
				cout << "Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play." << endl; 
				cout << "If you are correct. I will pay you $2.00: " << endl;  
				cin >> guess;

				ans = (rand() %6) + 1;

						if (guess == ans) 
							cout << "Winner! The dice rolled " << ans << ". Your bank is now " << banktot + 2.00 << "." << endl;
						else if (guess != ans) 
							cout << "Sorry, you lose. " << "The dice rolled " << ans << ". Your bank is now " << banktot - 1.00 << "." << endl; 
		while (input = 'n')
			cout << "Thanks for playing. Your bank is " << banktot << "." << endl;
	return 0;
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When they win, you add 1 to their bank then display bank+2...so you are essentially displaying bank+3. Also, the +2 you are displaying isn't actually changing the amount in their bank.
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