I really have no idea why it's not working, but I'm trying to convert a double into a string to count the number of characters. It works, but if I have an umber greater than 999999(has 7 or more numbers) it changes it to an exponent. It doing so messes up the number of characters. I heard string parsing would work, but I don't know how...
void getVarLengths(double number1, double number2, double number3, int &count1, int &count2, int &count3)
cout << number1 << endl;
cout << number2 << endl;
cout << number3 << endl;
//For large numbers
//First so that it doesn't put them in scientific form
if (number3 > 999999)
cout << fixed << setprecision(7);
if (number3 > 9999999)
cout << fixed << setprecision(8);
if (number3 > 99999999)
cout << fixed << setprecision(9);
if (number3 > 999999999)
cout << fixed << setprecision(10);
//Declare variables
ostringstream sstream1; //I think this is another way to declare a variable
sstream1 << number1; //Put the number into the ostringstream variable
string first = sstream1.str(); //And then that into a regular string
ostringstream sstream2; //Same
sstream2 << number2; //Put the number into the ostringstream variable
string second = sstream2.str(); //And then that into a regular string
ostringstream sstream3; //Same
sstream3 << number3; //Put the number into the ostringstream variable
string third = sstream3.str(); //And then that into a regular string
cout << first << endl;
cout << second << endl;
cout << third << endl;
count1 = first.length();
if (number2 != 0)
count2 = second.length();
//End if
count3 = third.length();
cout << count1 << endl;
cout << count2 << endl;
cout << count3 << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(0);