Frequent use of M_ for naming

I was just wonder if someone would be kind enough to tell me why is it that in books that I have read with c++ they seem to use the name m_(unique name here) a lot. For example:

int m_ID;

I first thought it had to do with the Standard library and mapping. or that it was connected with the person making the name say he was refering to the linked list but I am not 100% sure.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to my question I really appreciate it :)
I believe it stands for "member" and is used to differentiate between function member parameters and member variables without them having to have different names:

class blah
    int m_ID;
    blah(int ID) : m_ID(ID) { }
Thanks for your speedy reply I saw it right after I had posted my question, but I wanted to wait just to see if there was one anyone else that had anything different to say but you are right :D its member. Thanks a lot Branflakes
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