the problem with ifstream(help!!!!!!!)

this the header:

#ifndef _BIGINTEGER_H_
#define _BIGINTEGER_H_

using namespace std;

#define PLUS true
#define MINUS false

/* struct definition for bigInteger & each digit in singly linked list */

typedef struct digitNode *digitPointer;

struct digitNode{
unsigned short int digit;
digitPointer next;

struct bigInteger {
bool sign; // the sign of the integer
digitPointer head; // pointer to the linked list
the function:
bigInteger read_bigInteger(const char* fileName)
ifstream in(fileName);
char ch;
bigInteger a;
digitPointer p=a.head;
p=new digitNode;
p->digit=char2int(ch); //the function char2int is no problem.
return a;
the main:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
streambuf* buf;
ofstream of;
if (argc > 1) {[1]);
buf = of.rdbuf();
} else {
buf = std::cout.rdbuf();
ostream out(buf);

bigInteger a = read_bigInteger("input1.txt");
out<< "a=";
print_bigInteger(a, out);
out<< endl;
print_list(a, out);
if (isPositive(a)) out << "a is a positive integer.\n";

the problem is that:after complie the code,why i cant nothing even i cant see the "a=",i guess the problem maybe in the" read_bigInteger("input1.txt")"
but i stil dont know the problem in this function.

please help!!!!!!!!!!!
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