This is a program to generate possible combinations
Somehow everytime I run it - in VS2012 I get this error -
"Expression:Vector Subscript out of range" ?
Can someone please help to get this code working ?
A Big Thank You !!!
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class CombinationsGenerator {
std::vector<int> S;
std::vector<int> combination;
void generate_recursive() {
for (int i = 0, e = combination.size(); i < e; ++i)
std::cout << S[combination[i]] << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
int first;
if (combination.empty())
first = 0;
else {
int last = *combination.rbegin();
first = last + (S[last+1] == S[last] + 1 ? 2 : 1);
for (int i = first, end = S.size(); i < end; ++i) {
// Input: S is a sorted vector
CombinationsGenerator(std::vector<int> const &S) : S(S) {
void generate() {
int main() {
int S_i[] = {1, 2, 3, 5};
CombinationsGenerator(std::vector<int>(S_i, S_i+4)).generate();
use the <ctime> library
seed the rand()
run random number creator
int a = (1 + ) rand() % (24)
(1 +) is optional. without it it'll create 0 -24. with, then 1 - 24;
(24) = max number, min is always 0;
(1 +) is optional. without it it'll create 0 -23. with, then 1 - 24;
Hi there, Thank you for the quick reply.
May I please kindly ask if you could correct the code for me ?
I am very very confused with the code at this stage.
Thank You !
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