What is the character representation of a Date type?
Please give an example of a datum for this case, and what the expected masked result would be.
I'm quite hoping that a Date type is represented by a single character from a set which is unique from the others (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), and with contiguous ascii values.
Please answer about the discrepancies in the coding scheme noted.
Thanks to tvrameshmc for spotting the %52 = 0 problem. We got lucky that this flaw was exposed by the single test case provided.
It sounds like you're happy with the adaptations I made on the fly there, but have you examined that last output to be sure it is doing what you need it to?
Problem specification must be precise or you wind up with a solution to the wrong problem (which is useless).
I think I see a way to decrypt a datum, but I will await your answers before attempting it.
EDIT: Of course I had to find out if my decryption idea would work.
It is working for the 4 test cases tried so far:
Unmasked: aBcVyZ123a Masked: fmVwBg964j
Unmasked: aBcVyZ123a
Unmasked: agcVZx123a Masked: fSBcIM964j
Unmasked: agcVZx123a
Unmasked: 56cVZMpqrS Masked: 01iKpIEByX
Unmasked: 56cVZMpqrS
Unmasked: 56c3ZMpQrS Masked: 01i3hzvSQo
Unmasked: 56c3ZMpQrS
I hope the new Date detail doesn't make this a problem I can no longer solve. An amateur is working on this, so that's a line which can be crossed quite suddenly.