Despite defining MyString as array with 0 index,Print_My_String function prints my passed string "Test 1 2 3 4" without any error.
In fact determining index number in My_string array is meaningless.
I want to limit size of passed array to my function but with this method I could not do it.
The code you demonstarted shall not be compiled because you may not specify the size of an array as zero. So I wonder if the code indeed was compiled by your compiler. In my opinion it is a compiler bug.
If you want to use a sub array you should declare two parameters: the initial address of the sub array and its size. For example (I think your program is written in C)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
#include <stdio.h>
void Print_My_String ( constchar *My_String, size_t n )
printf ("%*.*s\n", n, n, My_String);
int main( void )
Print_My_String( "Test 1 2 3 4" + 5, 1 );
and decllare the same function because an array is implicitly converted to a pointer to its first element nevertheless you may not declare an array with zero size. And specifying a parameter in a function declaration is in turn a declaration.