copy constructors

anybody, please help me with the following problems by posting a complete code. Im still learning basics, so a code for these problems would help me analyse the various processes.
1. write a copy constructor Chain<T>::Chain(const Chain<T> C) to copy the elements of the chain C into new nodes.

2.Write a function to convert a linear list represented as a chain into one represented as an array.
(a). first use the FIND function for members of Chain and the INSERT function for members of Linearlist. What is the time complexity of your function? Test the correctness of your code.
(b). now use a chain iterator. What is the time complexity of the new code? test it using your own test data.
If you want an example of a copy constructor to learn from, then there's no need for us to write you one. There are loads of examples online. A quick Google search should turn some up.

Unless, of course, you're actually trying to get us to do your homework for you?
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