Consider a 4-by-4 array of characters. Write a C++ program to accomplish each of the following operations:
a. Declare the above array. [2 marks]
b. Read the array. [4 marks]
c. Find and print the number of zeros in both the diagonals of the array. [14 marks]
d. Replace each even number in the array by zero and then print the array as rows and columns. [10 marks]
for (int row=0;row<4;row++){ // b: Read the array
for (int column=0;column<4;column++){
//First way to read inputs
cout << "Please Type an integer number : ";
cin >> mycharArr[row][column];
//second way to read inputs
//myIntArr[row][column]=ReadIntPr("Please Type an integer number : ");
cout <<"\n"<<"zeros in main diagonal only : "<<"\n"; //c :print all zeros
cout <<"==============================="<<"\n";
for (int row=0;row<4;row++){
for (int column=0;column<4;column++){
if( mycharArr[row][column]=='0')
cout << "we found 0 in " <<"("<<row<<","<<column<<")"<<"\n";
cout <<"\n"<<"zeros in second diagonal : "<<"\n";
cout <<"==============================="<<"\n";
for (int row=0;row<4;row++){
for (int column=0;column<4;column++){
cout << "we found 0 in " <<"("<<row<<","<<column<<")"<<"\n";
for (int row=0;row<4;row++){ //d : replace even numbers by zeros
for (int column=0;column<4;column(++ {
cout <<"\n"<<"Array after replacing even by zero : "<<endl;
cout <<"===================================";
for (int row=0;row<4;row++){
cout <<"\n";
for (int column=0;column<4;column++){
cout << mycharArr[row][column]<<" ";