Software Version Control (help appreciated)

Im working on the design process of my engine and I have a decent amount of source code complete but I'm realizing that my project grows its going to be hard to keep up with the changes. I've used TortoiseSVN in a group project once but I didnt really manage the project so I have limited knowledge in the software.

I need an expert opinion, Here is what I need:

1.) Internet accessable- what I mean is it has the capability of being accessed remotely by any member of the project
2.) Simple but Intuitive
3.) Robust and frequently updated and if not frequently updated it must be a proven and supported build
4.) Free
5.) Stable
6.) Support for Windows (PC) and MAC (if possible but not necessary)
7.) Memory Inexpensive (Efficiently uses space)
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yeah I've heard about get. Guess I'm gonna get Git.
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