As you know how avl should be balanced after deletion of a node, I'll get to point. For starting, Im considering deleteing a node with no children.
For Example a Tree:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/ \
5 17
/ \ / \
2 9 12 20
\ \
3 50
Lets say deletevalue(12);
Then Tree should be after deletion:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/ \
5 17
/ \ \
2 9 20
\ \
3 50
Now, we see tree is balanced at node 17, because by formula, its Balance Factor = height( left subtree [left tree is null so -1] ) - height (right subtree) = -2
So we balance the tree by checking if its right-right case or right-left case.
1 2 3 4
If BalanceFactor(17's right) = -1
perform SingleLeftRotation(17);
else if BalanceFactor(17's right) = -1
perform DoubleRightLeftRotation(17);
Similar is case if Balance Factor of 17 is 2, i.e. it is left high, then its respective rotations.
//for bF(17) = 2
1 2 3 4
If BalanceFactor(17's left) = 1
perform SingleLeftRotation(17);
else if BalanceFactor(17's left) = -1
perform DoubleLeftRightRotation(17);
After balancing, tree should become this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
/ \
5 20
/ \ / \
2 9 17 50
This is deletion I have designed.
From main function, I call
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
bool deletevalue(WA value)
AvLNode<WA> *temp = search(root, value); //calling search function to find node which has user-specified data & stored its address in temp pointer
if(temp!=0) //if temp node is not null then
if(temp->left==0 && temp->right==0) //if temp node don't have any children
{ deletewithNochild(root, value); } //call to respective function
else if( (temp->left!=0 && temp->right==0) || (temp->left==0 && temp->right!=0) ) //if temp node has any 1 child, left or right
{ deletewithOneChild(temp); } //call to respective function
else if(temp->left!=0 && temp->right!=0) //if temp node has 2 children
{ deletewith2Child(temp); } //call to respective function
return true; //for prompting respective output message
return false; //for prompting respective output message
as our required node has no child so, following function is envoked.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
void deletewithNochild(AvLNode<WA> *temp, WA value) //temp is node which is to be deleted
if(value == root->key) //if temp is root node then
delete root; //free memory of root node
root = 0; //nullify root
else //if temp is some other node
if (value < temp->key)
deletewithNochild(temp->left, value);
else if (value > temp->key)
deletewithNochild(temp->right, value);
else if (value == temp->key)
AvLNode<WA> *father = findfather(temp, root); //calling findfather func to find father of temp node & store its address in father node pointer
if(father->left==temp) //if temp is left child of its father
delete temp; //free memory of temp node
father->left=0; //nullify father's left
else if(father->right==temp) //if temp is right child of its father
delete temp; //free memory of temp node
father->right=0;//nullify father's right
if ( balancefactor(temp) == 2) //if temp is left higher, ie. temp's Balance Factor = 2, then
cout<<"\t2 ";
if ( balancefactor(temp->left) == 1 ) //if temp's left node has Balance Factor 1 then
SingleRightRotation(temp); //send temp node for rotation because temp is unbalance
else if ( balancefactor(temp->left) == -1 ) //if temp's left node has Balance Factor -1, then
DoubleLeftRightRotation(temp); //send temp for double rotation because temp is unbalance
else if ( balancefactor(temp) == -2 ) //if temp is right higher, ie. temp's Balance Factor = -2, then
cout<<"\t-2 ";
if ( balancefactor(temp->right) == -1 ) //if temp's left node has Balance Factor -1 then
SingleLeftRotation(temp); //send temp node for rotation because temp is unbalance
else if ( balancefactor(temp->right) == 1 ) //if temp's right node has Balance Factor 1, then
DoubleRightLeftRotation(temp); //send temp for double rotation because temp is unbalance
Here are two utility functions of HEIGHT of node & BALANCE FACTOR of node
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
int heightofnode(AvLNode<WA> *temp) const
return temp==NULL ? -1 : temp->height;
int balancefactor(AvLNode<WA> *temp) const
return ( heightofnode(temp->left) - heightofnode(temp->right) );
My output, when I delete 12 becomes
(Breadth First Traverse) -->> [10] [9] [17]
Kindly help me out, is there any problem with recursion? I have dry-runned again & again but can't understand. Deleteion must be done through recursion otherwise balancing tree would be a bigger hell.
Thanks in advance for giving time. :-)