Overloading the -- operator

Below are three pieces of code, main.cpp, my header file, and CarDealer.cpp. The question I have is on overloading the -- operator. My first problem is that when I write yourCar-- it just subtracts it off right away and doesn't work as it is supposed to (I'm having struggling with how to define decrement in CarDealer.cpp). My second problem is that when I try to print cout << yourCar-- << endl; it prints a huge error and I don't know why. Any help would be much appreciated!

#include <iostream> //main.cpp
#include <string>
#include "CarDealer.h"

using namespace std;

int main(void)
CarDealer myCar(" "," "," ",0);
CarDealer yourCar(" "," ", " ",0);


cout << myCar << endl;
cout << yourCar << endl;
cout << yourCar << endl;
cout << yourCar << endl;

if(myCar > yourCar)
cout << "My car wins." << endl;

return 0;

#ifndef CarDealer_h //CarDealer_H header
#define CarDealer_h
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class CarDealer
CarDealer( string newPlateNumber, string newMake, string newModel, double newGasMileage);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, CarDealer& cn );
void operator--();
CarDealer operator--(int dummy);
bool operator>(CarDealer& car);
string GetPlateNumber();
void SetPlateNumber(string str);
string GetMake();
void SetMake(string str);
string GetModel();
void SetModel(string str);
double GetGasMileage();
void SetGasMileage(float n);
double GetMaxDistance();
void SetMaxDistance(float n);
double GasStation(double dNumberofGallons);

string PlateNumber;
string Make;
string Model;
double GasMileage;
double MaxDistance;
void decrement();

#endif //CarDealer_H

#include <iostream> //CarDealer.cpp
#include "CarDealer.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

CarDealer::CarDealer( string newPlateNumber, string newMake, string newModel, double newGasMileage )
PlateNumber = newPlateNumber;
Make = newMake;
Model = newModel;
GasMileage = newGasMileage;


void CarDealer::SetPlateNumber(string str)
this->PlateNumber = str;

string CarDealer::GetPlateNumber()
return this->PlateNumber;


void CarDealer::SetMake(string str)
this->Make = str;

string CarDealer::GetMake()
return this->Make;

void CarDealer::SetModel(string str)
this->Model = str;

string CarDealer::GetModel()
return this->Model;

void CarDealer::SetGasMileage(float n)
this->GasMileage = n;

if(GasMileage < 0)
cout << "That is not possible" << endl;

double CarDealer::GetGasMileage()
return this->GasMileage;

double CarDealer::GasStation(double dNumberofGallons)
this->MaxDistance = this->GasMileage * dNumberofGallons;

return this->MaxDistance;

void CarDealer::SetMaxDistance(float n)
this->MaxDistance = n;

double CarDealer::GetMaxDistance()
return this->MaxDistance;

void CarDealer::decrement()
int i=0;
int g = this->GasMileage*3*i--;
MaxDistance = MaxDistance - g;

CarDealer CarDealer::operator--(int dummy) //postfix ++ operator
CarDealer temp( GetMake(), GetModel(), GetPlateNumber(), GetMaxDistance() );
return temp;

bool CarDealer::operator>(CarDealer& car)
if(this->GetMaxDistance() > car.GetMaxDistance())
cout << "The first car has traveled more" << endl;
if(car.GetMaxDistance() > this->GetMaxDistance())
cout << "The second car has traveled more" << endl;
if(car.GetMaxDistance() == this->GetMaxDistance())
cout << "Both cars have travled the same amount" << endl;
return false;

ostream& operator<<( ostream& stream, CarDealer& cn )
stream << cn.GetMake() << " - " << cn.GetModel() << " - " << cn.GetPlateNumber() << " (Total Dist:" << cn.GetMaxDistance() << ")";

return stream;
What do you mean by subtracting it off right away? What error are you getting? And you should note that your decrement function doesn't modify MaxDistance ever; i initially is 0, and it's multiplied to the result of the formula, making g = 0.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. What I meant to say is that when I run the main function I get values of 200, 160, 120 or something like that. The yourCar which we are subtracting starts off at 240. So because it is a postfix operator I should be getting values of 240, 200, 160 when I print the yourCar values and like you mentioned it has something to do with the decrement function. Also I am getting an error when I try printing cout << yourCar-- << endl; but when I just do yourCar--; and then cout << yourCar << endl; it works.
You can disregard my first question, I'm just being stupid. However I'm still getting an error when I try and execute this line

cout << yourCar-- << endl;
cout << "YourCar--" << endl;
> I'm still getting an error
...  2 >&1 | grep error
I'm sorry I don't follow what is grep error?
> it prints a huge error
search for the line that says `error' (that's what grep is for)
ok I understand now, its hard to say the error in this case though because its prints hundreds of lines of error when I try to compile, at one part at the end it says no known conversion for argument 2 from 'CarDealer' to 'CarDealer&'
ok so I got rid of the & sign for my << overloaded operator but now it prints a big number 1.7 *10^131
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