USI: UltraSonicSensorInput
USIwidth: UltraSonicSensorInput distance
x: distance travelled by car
V: velocity
So the equations are:
1. If (USIwidth > car width) , then record x=0 and current V and use formula:
dt is time interval between the two tick's of the sensor( I dont know the exact time interval and the tick's happen a lot of times)
Then save the x and repeat the same on each tick and then add each tick's x.
So if on the first tick we get x, then add that x with x1 for the second tick, and x2 for the third tick etc.
At the end it looks like x+x1+x2+x3... etc.
Basically summing up the results of each tick.
2. If (USIwidth < car width) , then record V the last time and use the formula
x=0.5*(v1+v2)*dt the last time and stop recording.
After that, sum all x's which will result in the total distance traveled by the car.
If anyone could help me write this into a code I would be very grateful! :)
How are the values provided ?
Is it in an array ?
Since it looks like embedded systems, will the function be called by an interrupt/timer or something like that ?
Values for velocity are provided from the speedometer of the car, which will be connected to a small processor. Sensor is connected to the processor as well.
The sensor checks the velocity on each tick (there are many ticks a second), and the time interval between ticks is lets say 0.1s. So the function will be called every 0.1s.
If the function is called every tick, then values are not provided in a array.
I have a few questions:
- is x global variable ?
- is dt a fixed value or can it change ?
- you are averaging between 2 speed values. The first time a speed value is provided, what value should be used for the other value ?
- what do you mean by "start/stop recording" ?
-x is a global variable.
-dt is a fixed value, it doesn't change.
-the first time a speed value is provided, zero should be used for the other speed value and as well to time, so when it multiplies, it should equal to x=0.
-By start recording, I mean the whole program (algorithm) should start.
The whole program should stop when the width changes.
In other words, If (USIwidth > car width) , then the each tick's info should be saved and formula used.
But If (USIwidth < car width) , then saving the info from the tick's and using the formula should stop.
I never coded before, and I'm learning it now.
But my deadline is tomorrow, and I believe I don't have time (bad organisation) to code it myself, so I thought someone would help and do the first code for me.
As well I learn best from the already complete code :)