This is currently my program. When I try running it, it gives me an error telling me that "The variable 'leftOver' if being used without being initialized". I'm not exactly sure how to fix this.
TODO: Rewrite this program using the following 4 functions.
(1) An input function for getting the number of players per team.
(2) Another input function for getting the number of players
(3) A function to calculate the number of teams and number of
left-over players.
(4) An output function to print the result.
NOTE: Use and document the appropriate parameter passing mechanism
for each parameter: in, out, inout
In the end, the main() function should include just the variable
declarations, 4 function call statements, and the return statement.
int main()
int players, // Number of available players
teamPlayers, // Number of desired players per team
numTeams, // Number of teams
leftOver; // Number of players left over
void getPlayers(int& players)
cout << "How many players do you wish per team?\n";
cout << "(Enter a value in the range 9 - 15): ";
cin >> players;
// while loop.
while (players <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> players;
void playersPerTeam(int& teamPlayers)
// while loop.
while (teamPlayers < 9 && teamPlayers > 15)
cout << "You should have at least 9 but no\n";
cout << "more than 15 per team.\n";
cout << "How many players do you wish per team? ";
cin >> teamPlayers;
cout << endl;
void numOfTeams(int& numTeams, int& teamPlayers, int& players)
numTeams = players / teamPlayers;
void displayResults(int players, int leftOver, int teamPlayers, int numTeams)
leftOver = players % teamPlayers;
cout << "There will be " << numTeams << " teams with ";
cout << leftOver << " players left over.\n";
/* Sample:
How many players do you wish per team?
(Enter a value in the range 9 - 15): 8
You should have at least 9 but no
more than 15 per team.
How many players do you wish per team? 16
You should have at least 9 but no
more than 15 per team.
How many players do you wish per team? 9
How many players are available? 0
Please enter a positive number: 50
You don't necessarily need the leftOver int at all. In void displayResults, remove int leftOver from the formal (and actual) parameters and in body of your function simply enter players % teamPlayers where you currently have cout << leftOver.
void displayResults(int players, int teamPlayers, int numTeams)
cout << "There will be " << numTeams << " teams with ";
cout << players % teamPlayers << " players left over.\n";
Oh jeeze, I never even thought that!
I think it will work now since I'm not getting an error message anymore. But, now I'm having a problem with my programming not asking me to enter an even number in..