Initialized problem

This is currently my program. When I try running it, it gives me an error telling me that "The variable 'leftOver' if being used without being initialized". I'm not exactly sure how to fix this.

TODO: Rewrite this program using the following 4 functions.

(1) An input function for getting the number of players per team.

(2) Another input function for getting the number of players

(3) A function to calculate the number of teams and number of
left-over players.

(4) An output function to print the result.

NOTE: Use and document the appropriate parameter passing mechanism
for each parameter: in, out, inout

In the end, the main() function should include just the variable
declarations, 4 function call statements, and the return statement.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void getPlayers(int&);
void playersPerTeam(int&);
void numOfTeams(int&, int&, int&);
void displayResults(int, int, int, int);

int main()
int players, // Number of available players
teamPlayers, // Number of desired players per team
numTeams, // Number of teams
leftOver; // Number of players left over

numOfTeams(numTeams, teamPlayers, players);
displayResults(numTeams, leftOver, teamPlayers, numTeams);

return 0;

void getPlayers(int& players)
cout << "How many players do you wish per team?\n";
cout << "(Enter a value in the range 9 - 15): ";
cin >> players;
// while loop.
while (players <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> players;
void playersPerTeam(int& teamPlayers)
// while loop.
while (teamPlayers < 9 && teamPlayers > 15)
cout << "You should have at least 9 but no\n";
cout << "more than 15 per team.\n";
cout << "How many players do you wish per team? ";
cin >> teamPlayers;
cout << endl;
void numOfTeams(int& numTeams, int& teamPlayers, int& players)
numTeams = players / teamPlayers;
void displayResults(int players, int leftOver, int teamPlayers, int numTeams)
leftOver = players % teamPlayers;
cout << "There will be " << numTeams << " teams with ";
cout << leftOver << " players left over.\n";

/* Sample:

How many players do you wish per team?
(Enter a value in the range 9 - 15): 8
You should have at least 9 but no
more than 15 per team.
How many players do you wish per team? 16
You should have at least 9 but no
more than 15 per team.
How many players do you wish per team? 9

How many players are available? 0
Please enter a positive number: 50

There will be 5 teams with 5 players left over.

You don't necessarily need the leftOver int at all. In void displayResults, remove int leftOver from the formal (and actual) parameters and in body of your function simply enter players % teamPlayers where you currently have cout << leftOver.

void displayResults(int players, int teamPlayers, int numTeams)
cout << "There will be " << numTeams << " teams with ";
cout << players % teamPlayers << " players left over.\n";
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Oh jeeze, I never even thought that!
I think it will work now since I'm not getting an error message anymore. But, now I'm having a problem with my programming not asking me to enter an even number in..
I am a bit confused at what you mean. I'm not sure where the program would (or would not) prompt for an even number.
Nevermind, I figured it out.
Thank you so much for the help on my leftOver problem!! :)
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