Since unions occupy the same address space, what happens when you have something like...
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union unionTest{
bool tF; //1 byte
char alpha; //1 byte
int num; //4 byte
What happens in this scenario? In all the scenarios, there would of been an array of 4 for tF and alpha to match up with num, but in this scenario, what happens?
In unions, the members share the same space. Unions are useful for defining some kind of abstract data type.
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union shared_data
char character;
bool boolean;
int integer;
float decimal;
For differently-sized members, the union takes the size of the largest member.
Union's members may not have some sort of constructor. They must be C-style POD.
Structures may also be a member of union.
In the example in the tutorials, they had an array of 4, which is created "int arrayTest[4];".
That was what I was looking for. I wanted to know how it would look like if first two data types were smaller than the last. Thanks for explaining this.