I currently have a variable, foo, which represents either a hexadecimal number 16 bits wide or 17 bits wide. So foo can either look something like 0x1234 or 0x12345. I was wondering if it is possible set the formatting length to an integer instead of hardcoding either a 4 or 5. How do I do this? I know if I set the formatting length to 5 I will have a leading zero in the event that the hex number is 16 bits wide, but I would rather not have that.
Want something like:
1 2 3
int foo_length = foo_16_or_17_bit_length / 4;
if (foo_16_or_17_bit_length % 4 != 0){foo_length++;}
fprintf(myfile, "0x%[foo_length]x", foo); //where foo is a hex number 16 or 17 bits long.
instead of:
1 2 3 4 5
if(foo_length == 4){
fprintf(myfile, "0x%04x", foo); //where foo is a hex number 16 bits long (e.g. 0x1234)
} else {
fprintf(myfile, "0x%05x", foo); //where foo is a hex number 16 bits long (e.g. 0x12345)