A college coffee shop allows students to charge coffee drinks and then bills them at the end of each month. Write a C++ program to determine the monthly bill for the student using the details below. For input, collect the following information:
The number of coffees, lattes, and mochas purchased
A single-character customer code (S for students or F for faculty/staff)
The initial cost will be based on the following:
Type Cost Each
Coffee $1.35
Latte $3.15
Mocha $3.45
Tally up the total amount to be charged to a customer based on the number of each type purchased multiplied by the unit cost for the drink.
Next, offer all customers a volume discount using the following scheme.
If total charged is ...
up to $20
-- 3% discount
at least $20, but still under $40
--5% discount
$40 to $60
--10% discount
over $60 pounds but not over $75
--15% discount
above $75
--20% discount
So what I'm having trouble with is getting the output to show after the second discount because its not showing up. Would appreciate someone to check my code and see what i'm doing wrong.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//Declare Variables
char student, faculty;
int coffe, latte, mocha;
int totaldrinks;
double discountamount1;
double discountamount2;
double discountamount3;
double discountamount4;
double discountamount5;
double aftervolume1;
double aftervolume2;
double aftervolume3;
double aftervolume4;
double aftervolume5;
const double discount1 = .03;
const double discount2 = .05;
const double discount3 = .1;
const double discount4 = .15;
const double discount5 = .2;
//Prompt if student or faculty
cout << "Input a S if customer is a student or F if customer is faculty: ";
cin >> student || faculty;
cout << "Enter the amount of coffees, lattes, and mochas the customer has ordered: ";
cin >> coffe >> latte >> mocha;
//Calculation for the total for the drinks
totaldrinks = (coffe * 1.35) + (latte * 3.15) + (mocha * 3.45);
//Calculations for volume discounts
discountamount1 = (totaldrinks * discount1);
aftervolume1 = (totaldrinks - discountamount1);
discountamount2 = (totaldrinks * discount2);
aftervolume2 = (totaldrinks - discountamount2);
discountamount3 = (totaldrinks * discount3);
aftervolume3 = (totaldrinks - discountamount3);
discountamount4 = (totaldrinks * discount4);
aftervolume4 = (totaldrinks - discountamount4);
discountamount5 = (totaldrinks * discount5);
aftervolume5 = (totaldrinks - discountamount5);
if(totaldrinks < 20)
cout << aftervolume1 << " After your 3% discount for ordering up to $20 for the month your balance is: " ;
else if(totaldrinks >= 20 && totaldrinks < 40)
cout << aftervolume2 << " After your 5% discount your balance is: " ;
else if (totaldrinks >= 40 && totaldrinks <= 60)
cout << aftervolume3 << " After your 10% discount your balance is: " ;
else if (totaldrinks > 60 && totaldrinks <= 75)
cout << aftervolume4 << " After your 15% discount your balance is: " ;
else (totaldrinks > 75)
cout << aftervolume5 << " After your 20% discount your balance is: " ;
return 0;