My teacher has assigned us to write a function that can tell if a number is prime or not, we already wrote a program that allows a user to enter a number and the program returns all the numbers up to that number that are prime. He says to use that as a basis for this assignment. He also gave us a main () function to use, I'm really lost and could use some help writing this function so if anyone can help I would really appreciate it
the main() the teacher gave is this: int main()
int counter=0;
int current_number=2;
std::cout << "First 1000 prime numbers" << std::endl;
while(counter < 1000)
std::cout << current_number << std::endl;
return 0;
and my last assignment was this:
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
int i;
bool is_prime=true;
cout << "Enter a number greater than two" << endl;
cin >> n;
To be clear, you are to write a program that determines the first 1000 primes by using a function to test candidates for primes ?
You have everything you need here. The problem seems to be just extracting what the function is.
Remember that a function has the following parts:
return type - what comes back (like: void, bool, int)
parameters - what datatype goes in and how many go in - the function needs to know what to expect
prototype - this is like a header that keeps track of the name/return type/parameters
definition - identical to prototype except this has the implementation
So, based on this function call you should be able to extract what each parts of prime_number(current_number) does: if(prime_number(current_number)==true)
What is it returning - hint: it's being used in a conditional statement against 'true'
Parameters ? Are there 5 parameters? 1 ? What type of parameter is it - a bool, int, string, vector?
With these questions answered you should be able to extract the prototype and then the definition will be just copy/pasting what you have from your last assignment starting from the 'for' loops.
1 #include<iostream>
2 usingnamespace std;
4 bool isPrime(int number)
5 {
6 int i;
7 for (i=2; i<number; i++)
8 { if(number% i==0)
9 isPrime=false;
10 }
11 if (isPrime==true)
12 cout << "true" << endl;
13 }
14 int main()
15 { int counter=0;
16 int current_number=2;
17 cout<< "First 1000 prime numbers" << endl;
18 while (counter <1000)
19 { if (prime_number(current_number)==true)
20 { cout << current_number << endl;
21 counter++;
22 }
23 current_number++; }
24 return 0;
25 }
there's what I have so far. I need it to return true if its prime and false if it isn't. I know my main() is right. It's the top I'm having trouble with. I went through and got rid of what I didn't need and now I'm stuck
OK, that's a good start. Look into your textbook (or google) for how to declare a function. In a 1 file program the order goes:
using namespace std;
function prototypes
function definitions
lines 4 to 13 is the function definition - which should be moved below main() (after line 25). lines 4 to 13 should then be replaced with a single line that is the function prototype (find that and the syntax and why there is one in your book).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 bool isPrime(int number) //function name is 'isPrime', return type is 'bool' parameter is 1 integer
5 {
6 int i;
7 for (i=2; i<number; i++) //for (int i=2; i<number; i++) <--better to keep local variables local
8 { if(number% i==0)
//what is 'isPrime' ? it is a function that takes 1 parameter
//it is not a variable - therefore line 9 is impossible
//you want to return the fact that number is not a prime number right?
//so it is just: return false;
//keep in mind that after a 'return' statement, the rest of the function wont be executed
9 isPrime=false;
10 }
11 if (isPrime==true) //same problem with isPrime here...
12 cout << "true" << endl;
13 }
1 2 3
//so, return true or return false from isPrime() comes back here and is checked
//in this 'if' statement to deal with if it is indeed a prime:
if (isPrime(current_number)==true
line 19 calls a function called/whose name is: prime_number(). does this function have a matching definition ?
teacher has assigned us to write a function that can tell if a number is prime or not,
This says to me "get a number from the user and say whether it is prime or not" ......i see this as quite different from getting a number like 1500 and spelling out all the prime numbers between it and 2.
Now all you need is a function that will establish if it(the user number) is prime or not.
That function will check that when the user number is "moded" successively with 2 thru sqrt(user number) it does or does not == 0 to be prime.
Since 2 is the only even prime the loop will need to be incremented by i+=2 and start at i=1.