Writing codes in MFC Activex Control

I am trying this article http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/118676/Embedding-PowerPoint-presentation-player-into-a-WP?msg=4361130#xx4361130xx. The Hybrid Solution Part. I was wondering if you could help me out how do I begin writing those codes on Visual C++. I don't have background yet in Visual C++ MFC ActiveX Control and what I did so far is to create the Project. I also added a Dialog and a class but I get an error "Identifier IDD_DIALOG1 is undefined". I don't know if I am doing right. I don't know if adding a dialog is needed in this project because the author hasn't included what to do in MFC ActiveX Control so I am getting a hard time. Honestly, I don't understand the MFC ActiveX Contorl part that's why I don't know how to begin with so kindly help me. Thanks! :)
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