I am currently looking into developing some games in C++, and OpenGL seems to have a great library and API for making games. Currently, I am using the Qt Creator IDE and wondering how to incorporate the OpenGL API into Qt Creator.
I looked up some tutorials, but haven't really seen many examples and such. All I know right now is that by typing "opengl" into the "QT += " part in the .pro file of a Qt project, you include the opengl API (I think). I also found out that there is a QGL library that is supposed to be related to OpenGL.
I am pretty confused and new to this kinda stuff. Any ideas/help?
This is a bit unrelated to the current topic, but in a tutorial that introduces you to using OpenGL with Qt, it mentions promoting a widget to a class using the "Promote to..." option when right clicking the widget.
What happens when you promote the QWidget to your class desired? Do the properties remain?