SFML 1.6 vs 2.0

Hey All, I have wanted to start using SFML, but I don't know which version to use.My friend says to use 1.6, however, people I have spoken to recommend 2.0, but there are no tutorials on it.
If there are no tutorials on it, then I'd learn 1.6.

After all, it may well have more features or a better design but you need to be able to use it!
There is no sense in learning/using 1.6, the API has changed considerably and 1.6 AFAIK isn't being actively maintained anymore. While there aren't official tutorials there is plenty of information online. http://sfmlcoder.wordpress.com/tutorials/sfml/
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Understand, naraku, that it is implied that 1.6 isn't being maintained and that the API has changed considerably (if the new official tutorial isn't available yet). This doesn't make learning 1.6 pointless.

However, if there are in fact tutorials on it, contrary to what the OP said, then it certainly is pointless.
@naraku the site only has the first seven tuts done, a far cry from being finished, does anyone have other resources?
Maybe it's because I dont rely on tutorials so the lack of tutorials doesn't affect my decision to use SFML2.0.
@Script Coder
Seven tutorials should be enough to get started. But, to each his own, learning 1.6 first shouldn't prevent you from picking up 2.0 later.
Why does everyone need a tutorial to learn something? There's documentation, and most of the stuff carries over anyway. Just some naming convention changes and reworked how some of the classes are organized.
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