Getting error expected expression before ; token


I have to modify code of putty and i port it on codeblocks and compile code i am getting error :

Putty code give me error:

error: expected ‘{’ at end of input|

Error comes due to statement that is define as a macro function and responsible to fill array of character set that is:

#define ENUM_CHARSET(x) extern charset_spec const charset_##x;

static charset_spec const *const cs_table[] = {

#define ENUM_CHARSET(x) &charset_##x,
#include "enum.c"

Error occur when i call ENUM_CHARSET(CS_UTF8); where CS_UTF8 is a enum type value. I am unable to understand statement that is creating array.

Statement is ambiguous and error prone in codeblocks, whereas it working fine when build code with make command.
Post enum.c.
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