in addnote.cpp there is a function void AddNote::on_deleteButton_clicked() that should normally delete an element from a map , however it gives me an error though it compiles alright :(
If you need any more info please say so :) and thanks in advance
The code compiles with no error , but at debug , when I click the delete button and trigger the appropriate function everything crashes and it gives me an error like "map/set iterator not dereferencable"
The problem is within the erase part because I use repopCombo in the constructor and there is no error , the only part where I get the error is at delete .
But here it is : void QComboBox::addItem ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, const QVariant & userData = QVariant() )
Adds an item to the combobox with the given icon and text, and containing the specified userData (stored in the Qt::UserRole). The item is appended to the list of existing items.
Ok ! I finally solved it :)
It seems like though the error was realted to map/set iterator the part that caused it was the ui->comboBox->clear() ;
It seems that before clearing the comboBox I had to disconnect all signal-slot bounds that involved this object :)