Angular point movement
Jul 16, 2012 at 11:36pm UTC
I forget the maths behind moving a point using its rotation in radians. I thought it was something like the code I have below, but it seems to be incorrect as it isn't moving in the correct direction.
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double pointPos[2] = {10.0, 10.0};
double angleInRadians = M_PI / 2;
double angleInDegrees = angleInRadians * (180 / M_PI);
double speed = 5.0;
pointPos[0] += (sin(angleInDegrees) * speed);
pointPos[1] -= (cos(angleInDegrees) * speed);
Is it correct?
Jul 17, 2012 at 1:56am UTC
Suppose you want to rotate p around center by theta radians:
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vector rotated;
if (p==center)
else {
vector p2=p-center;
double angle=atan2(p2.y,p2.x);
double r=sqrt(p2.x*p2.x+p2.y*p2.y);
Note: I'm not using any library or vector class in particular. I'm just writing the arithmetic in C++ notation.
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