Removing unwanted characters

Jun 13, 2012 at 4:21pm

I've got data in a string, and I'd like to remove all spaces and newlines in the simplest way possible. I was wondering if there is a list of STL Predicates somewhere that I could use, or if there is a better way. Here is what I'm currently doing:

string buf;
//load data into buf
remove_if(buf.begin(), buf.end(), isspace);

However, after this line is executed, my string still contains a newline(ascii 10) followed by a space (32).


Jun 13, 2012 at 6:19pm
std::remove and std:;remove_if do not remove elements from a sequence. You should use member function erase with the algorithms to remove characters from a string.

For example

buf.erase( std::remove_if( buf.begin(), buf.end(), isspace ), buf.end() );
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